National Cyber-Physical Infrastructure ecosystem
About National Cyber-Physical Infrastructure ecosystem
The National Cyber-Physical Infrastructure (NCPI) is a new government and industry collaboration to amplify innovations, break down silos and build a shared vision for cyber-physical system innovation in the UK jointly led by Digital Catapult, Connected Places Catapult and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult and supported by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT). NCPI builds on the foundations of the UK Government’s Cyber-Physical Infrastructure Consultation published in March 2022. Further information can be found here.
Connecting advanced cyber-physical systems can provide a step-change in the value individual systems can bring, enabling cyber-physical systems to break down silos in sectors and increase our understanding of systems of systems challenges. While individual applications of cyber-physical systems bring specific benefits, the networking and federation of these systems will create significantly greater value for society, economy and the environment. 
NCPI will bring together innovators in industry and academia, government and wider society to work together to solve systemic challenges, such as reaching net zero, by allowing multiple parties to collaborate, share information and make collective decisions. By allowing for better visibility of data across systems (e.g. sharing CO2 emissions across organisations), and encouraging greater interoperability, Cyber-Physical Infrastructure can improve productivity across key sectors, enable increased public spending efficiency, enhance delivery of infrastructure and health services, build national resilience, and accelerate progress in attaining national policy objectives, such as net zero. More broadly, Cyber-Physical Infrastructure can help remove time, cost and risk from the process of bringing innovation to market.
NCPI Stakeholder Mapping Survey
The National Cyber Physical Infrastructure (NCPI) consortium has developed this series of questions for capturing data that isn’t readily available or is consistent to articulate what is already happening to support the key barriers. Innovation is anything not deemed as business as usual from early experimentations through to industrial pre-production trials that are happening only within your organisation.
Please complete this form for as many projects you wish to highlight; recently completed, present or future.

Catapult consortium partners Digital Catapult, Connected Places Catapult and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult have published a series of reports on their work across the National Cyber-Physical Infrastructure (NCPI) ecosystem.