Digital Twin Hub > Articles & Publications > Digital Twin Roadblocks report

This research aimed to investigate the breadth and depth of digital twin blockers, galvanising the community towards greater engagement and collaboration to solve a complex set of national challenges.

The DT Hub’s strategic approach was cyclical, beginning with highlighting the challenges and the opportunities faced by members.

The project consisted of a series of strategy jams with the community interspersed by activity on the DT Hub in a ‘call-and-response’ manner. This approach became more effective as the project progressed.

First, community thinking was used to seed the Roadblock Identification Jam, whose outputs in turn were put back into the community for further comment, refinement and validation.

The next step was to kick off a discussion on the relative importance of different roadblocks to feed into the Roadblock Prioritisation Jam. Again, the outputs were subsequently checked in the wider community.

The final DT Hub activity was preparatory to the Roadblock Prototyping Jam, consisting of a brainstorm to find ways around certain blockers, the results of which were fed into the final Jam – evaluating the problem definition and trying to find solutions.

The research resulted in recommendations to support the DT Hub in tackling gaps, prioritising pressing issues and galvanising engagement to tackle the blockers. In summary, they are to:

·        Form a digital twin accelerator programme

·        Review the online community platform

·        Leverage the convening power of the DT Hub for engagement with others

·        Lead on the development of vision and value for digital twins

·        Evaluate and progress the Strategy Jam ideas

·        Introduce a problem-solving toolkit

·        Conduct a meta-analysis to compare this research with other findings and DT Hub resources.

Read the report.


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