Asset Risk Tool

what is the credo asset risk tool?

To improve understanding of the impact of extreme heat on assets, the project has leveraged CReDo’s expert elicitation methodology and probabilistic asset modelling to produce the CReDo Asset Risk Tool.

The Tool enables users to investigate the potential effects of different weather events on water assets. It will show the probable impact of a selection of maximum forecasted temperatures (i.e. 30-35 °C, 35-40 °C and 40-45 °C) for a selected duration of time (1, 3, 7 and 14 days in a row) on a user-defined collection of assets.

Once the user selects the weather scenario for analysis, the CReDo Asset Risk Tool will provide an estimation (as % chance) of:

  • Site impact, or the likelihood that the site will fail due to a component(s) fault​
  • Climate scenario, or the likelihood of a weather event within a climate scenario occurring in the site’s location​
  • Climate and impact, or the combined likelihood of both the weather event within a climate scenario occurring and the site experiencing a potential impact

  • Use of the CReDo Asset Risk Tool is subject to the Terms and Conditions which can be found here. Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions may result in a user’s access being revoked.
  • Before using the tool, it is strongly recommended to read the CReDo Asset Risk Tool user guide. This document provides all the necessary information to correctly interpret the information in the tool and understand the key underlying aspects of how these are calculated.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Users are reminded that the tool is a prototype and it is released for information, interest and to stimulate further research into this important area of modelling. The tool and any outputs from it must not be relied upon for the purpose of making operational or investment decisions.  

Being a prototype, any feedback on the tool, or reporting of technical bugs, is welcome via email to