Tom Hughes

Forum Replies Created

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  • As a reminder to those on the discussion more information on the Information Management Framework can be found in our IMF pathway forum

    The consultation is open until the end of August and we would really value your input.  

  • @Tom Henderson in your talk you mention that the Tech UK Digital Twin Working Group is responding to the CDBB Information Management Framework pathway. This is excellent to hear and exactly the kind of input the National Digital Twin programme is seeking. How has the IMF pathway been received by your working group members, and are there any insights can you provided on it as a pathway to interconnected digital twins?

  • @Steven in terms of the balance between developing something common and maintaining a healthy competition this is something @Mark Enzer summarises excellently as “Agreeing on the rules of the game, then having a meaningful competition”. In the analogy a competition between a football team and a volleyball team would be meaningless. It is only when you have a common set of objectives and constraints that real competition exists. 

  • @Tom Henderson, in your opinion, what are the main commercial barriers your members and industry currently face when it comes to scaled adoption of digital twin?

  • An open question to all in the discussion. What questions do you have for Tom about Tech UK’s perspective on the regulatory, investment and policy frameworks that underpin digital twin adoption in the UK?

  • Hi @Tom Henderson thanks again for joining us today. To start the discussion while we wait for questions from our audience it would be great to get some more detail about Tech UK’s Digital Twin Working Group. It is great to see a collaborative and voluntary effort from your members to inform Tech UK’s strategic direction in this area. As a new working group, what has been your process for working with your members to agree your areas of focus? As a follow up where can people find more information of the working group and are you looking for more volunteers to advance your efforts?

  • Welcome to the start of today’s Digital Twin Talk on Overcoming commercial barriers to the scaled adoption of digital twins and a big thank you to @Tom Henderson from Tech UK for joining us. We’re looking forward to your thoughts and questions related to Tom’s talk – and posing one or two of our own.

    As with all our Twin Talks Tom is online from 10:30am to 11:30am to answer your questions. To join the discussion please add your thoughts by replying to the conversation thread. 

  • Tom Hughes

    August 10, 2020 at 3:13 pm in reply to: DTHub Editorial Notes – Harnessing the Wave

    Posted on Sam’s behalf.

  • Tom Hughes

    August 6, 2020 at 12:53 pm in reply to: 5 ways that Digital Twins could destroy society

    Excellent article @Ian Gordon – I really enjoyed reading it. I’m not sure there is much to add, but some bits really resonated, particularly the cautionary tale of social media, attention economy, conspiracy theorists and institutionalised bias. It reminded me of a talk – I think probably a TED talk or a This is Human Centred Design podcast, but I’m struggling to find the exact one – about mitigating the consequences of  unintended / dark user stories. The example was home security systems and how they were being used by perpetrators of domestic violence. The synopsis was it is often very uncomfortable for the creators of products to think about dark use cases, but avoiding it (consciously or unconsciously) and then finding your products are being used for terrible things is far worse. 

  • Thank-you very much for your time today @Neil

    We are now coming to the end of our live discussion, but we will keep this space open and available until the end of the day in case you have further thoughts or questions. We will continue to monitor the discussion during that time, but on a less frequent basis.

    We will also add Neil’s video, along with the videos from previous talks, to this page:

    Looking ahead, our next Digital Twin Talk: Overcoming commercial barriers to the scaled adoption of digital twins by @Tom Henderson of Tech UK. We will post the video of Tom’s talk on Monday evening and Tom will join us for a live forum discussion on the 11th August between 10:30 and 11:30 am BST.

    We are keen for as many people as possible to benefit from this excellent series of talks and discussions. Please share a link to the DT Hub with your contacts and let them know about the Twin Talks.

    Thank you all very much again

  • Members of the DT Hub community may not be aware that the NUAR project has been shortlisted for the 2020 Digital Leaders 100 list.  The DL100 list is created by public vote and celebrates the teams and individuals who are working hard behind the scenes to secure the UK’s Digital Transformation.

    You are able to vote for NUAR until noon on 28 August 2020.

  • Towards the end of your talk you cover the need for a compelling use case for data consumption to address the challenges associated with outbound API connection to NUAR. Is this an area you could see input from the DT Hub community assisting to define potential use cases for data consumption?

  • An open question to all in the discussion. Has Neil’s presentations provided any key insight into how value and flexibility can be delivered? I would particularly like to hear from any guests (not yet a DT Hub member) who are online, what will you be taking away from the talk today?

  • Your talk provides a link to a published project update – Here is the link for others in this conversation

    Clearly underground assets have broad relevance in the Built Environment and from your project update it looks like you have been able to benefit from developing relationships with other teams working on the same challenges.  

    A key objective of the DT Hub is to support collaboration through encouraging collective learning and sharing experiences on digital twins

    How did you go about identifying collaborators, what was your experience of collaborating with others working in this space, and what do you feel the DT Hub could do to better support collaboration?

  • I think that the use case driven approach you described is very relevant to this community. The decision to focus on a small number of specific high value use cases appears to have played a big factor in the success of the NUAR pilot. Do you have any insights on how you established and prioritised use cases, and are there any recommendations you would give to others doing similar use case orientated work?

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