NDTp December 2021 Editorial – CReDo launch

Digital Twin Hub > Articles & Publications > NDTp December 2021 Editorial – CReDo launch

Launching CReDo during the COP26 climate conference was one of the highlights of the year for all of us at the NDTp. Over 200 people joined us for the launch webinar, where we showcased the CReDo film, shared the interactive demonstrator app and heard for the first time from CReDo’s technical architect, @Tom Collingwood.

It felt like a huge milestone to be able to actually demonstrate in a tangible way the kind of dramatic impact that connected digital twins can have and why collaboration is essential. It was encouraging to see how much engagement there was from the audience. We also received a lot of unsolicited, supportive feedback from government and other organisations, recognising how important this work is. One of the main things we’ve taken away from the event is that our message of collaboration is resonating.

CReDo has already led to new engagements, such as an invite to speak to the UK Regulators Network, so it has also provided a useful launchpad to bring us to the attention of other communities who are interested in getting involved.

CReDo continues

A next step is to complete an assessment of what the benefits of CReDO have been for the asset owners. We will then discuss these and other lessons learned in an event in March. Please look out for more details on the DT Hub coming soon.

Gemini Papers

The Gemini papers are a project we kicked off during November in partnership with Arup, who are helping draft the content. The aim of the papers is to be the prospective legacy of the CDBB. They will take all the learnings from the last 3 years of delivery on the National Digital Twin programme and other CDBB programme and consolidate them. It will provide a clear vision and guide on what a National Digital Twin should look like in the future and, importantly, how to get there. The idea is for it be timeless and as relevant in 10 years as it is today.

Theory of Change – Benefits realisation framework

Another project we started in November, with Mott Macdonald, is answering the question, how do you change an industry? This work will explore the mechanisms of change in the NDTp and consolidate earlier work on the change management approach (the intended change), how change was observed over the recent years (the observed change) and describe the most appropriate Theory of Change for the NDTp.  It will map previous and current NDTp activities to the ToC and help track benefits going forward.

Ethics Roundtables

There is a continued need to discuss the ethics of using digital twins. To address this we’ve been undertaking a round of workshops, facilitated by Sopra Steria, to delve more deeply in to the Gemini Principles and issues such as trust or geospatial data and inference risk, to name a few. The outputs from the report were published on the DT Hub in conjunction with Tech UK’s Digital Ethics Summit on December 8th.

A goodbye

Before I sign off, I want to say a big thank you to @Samuel A Chorltonfor his leadership of the DT Hub. He has been involved from the very start and set the tone for the DT Hub team, building a collaborative, positive ethos. He has remained passionate about the project throughout and led us to where we are today with over 3,000 members. He’s been great to work with and we wish him all the best in his next adventure into fatherhood! I am pleased to say that he will still be staying on as an advisor.

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