Defence Digital Roadmap (TDI initiative) Briefing

  • Defence Digital Roadmap (TDI initiative) Briefing

    Posted by David Murray on September 30, 2021 at 3:12 pm

    For those of you interested in the route being taken to introduce DTs to the defence sector, you may be interested in this virtual meeting. The 7 workstreams in the first phase of this work will be reporting their progress on 20th October. It is expected that there will be follow-on workstreams to explore topics in more depth.

    So, it isn’t too late to participate.

    To find out more follow this link to the Team Defence Information (TDI) website Defence Digital Roadmap Phase 1 Back-Brief(TDI)

    See you there!

    David Murray replied 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • David Murray

    October 22, 2021 at 12:20 pm

    Team Defence Information (TDI) held the back-brief of the first-term’s work by their Defence Support Digital Twin Community of Practice last Wednesday (20th Oct). In addition to the keynote speaker from the MOD, there were 12 presentations, including guest speakers from Australia (talking about parallels between defence and mining applications), the USA (DoD and AIA applications) and UK’s Digital Catapult (getting started on the DT journey).

    The TDI work supported 7 groups, 6 of which explored aspects of the DT lifecycle from early stages to in-Service support. The 7th group mapped the landscape of DT work already underway in the defence sector. The 6-hour meeting was extremely well attended and a panel session was held at the end of the day. Several references were made to the work of the DT Hub and closer engagement will be encouraged.

    During the next few weeks, the groups will be holding in-depth workshops/ presentations for those with interest in specific topics. More information, and the links to attend, can be obtained from TDI – see below for contact details.

    Steve Green (TDI) thanked all involved and announced that the 2nd term of this 2-year program will start in January. The intent is that engagement will be as wide as possible and Steve invited anyone interested to apply to join a group; a defence background is not essential. The MOD have confirmed that senior staff will also support the work and help facilitate engagement with the appropriate stakeholders within the MOD. This project promises to make a significant contribution to all aspects of protection of UK citizens, not only in response to external threats but also improving responses to homeland natural disasters and cyber issues.

    The presentation material and written report will be available soon.

    More information can be obtained by contacting TDI – mentioning this notice about Defence Support Digital Twin Community of Practice will help provide context to your enquiry. The various contact options are available via this link

    We all look forward to seeing you in the next stages of this work.

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