DT Toolkit: Making the business case for a Digital Twin

Digital Twin Hub > Articles & Publications > DT Toolkit: Making the business case for a Digital Twin

The DT toolkit is a simple guide to the things you need to think about on your digital twin journey. It arose from the request we’ve heard from the DT Hub community “how do I make the business case for a digital twin”. In response, through the Gemini programme of the National Digital Twin programme, we’ve been able to bring together people who have been through or are going through the digital twin journey from different perspectives: consulting, technology development, legal and academic and who are willing to share their learning and expertise with the DT Hub community.

The team first met back in September 2020 to discuss how we might put together a toolkit for making the business case. We discussed how it would need to focus on purpose, relevant examples, a roadmap and a usable business case template. We debated the use cases for articulating digital twin purpose and took this to a DT Hub workshop to garner community input to what is now a use case framework which is starting to resonate in meetings and presentations. We presented and discussed case studies of digital twins that have been developed or are being developed which can be found on the DT Hub. We spent a long time talking through the steps organisations need to go through to implement a digital twin and as a result produced the roadmap which you can find in the report. We talked about digital twin sophistication levels. And members of the team worked together to really think through what a business case template might look like and what you would need to put together to get sign off for your digital twin. This template is now freely available as a resource for you to download and use.

This DT toolkit report is a true collaboration of diverse minds working in the field of digital twins who are open to challenge and debate. The result is a toolkit that you can use to set you and your team on your digital twin journey. As with all journeys, the toolkit is now at its first pit-stop and the toolkit team are going to use it with their clients and provide feedback on how to improve and fine tune it. We invite you to do the same, read the toolkit report, try it out and tell us what you think.  

We are very grateful for the passion and dedication that the Toolkit Team have shown towards putting the toolkit together. Working with limited resources we have been reliant on our volunteer’s goodwill and conviction that the work of the National Digital Twin programme is something they want to be involved in and contribute to.  Drawing from across the disciplines and different organisations, we’ve been really boosted by the support we’ve received from a  team of people going through the digital twin journey and enthusiastic about sharing their experience and ideas with the wider community.  

 If you would like to share your learning and experience with the community and take part in the next iteration of the Toolkit, reach out to us. We can all work together to make this a valuable community resource. 


“The toolkit captures know-how and insights from people with experience of developing and using digital twins.  Steps are given that provide the reader with valuable guidance for justifying, building and exploiting twins, increasing value and reducing the risk of change.” Dr Peter van Manen, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

“Working collaboratively with people from a variety of industries and experiences, has been not only invaluable to the construct of the Toolkit but also, fun, inspiring and wholesome to participate in.” Peter Curtis, Sopra Steria

“Working on the DT toolkit has been an excellent way to socialise my thoughts and the Catapult’s work on Digital Twins, while increasing my understanding of DTs, through discussions with the other team members.” Ron Oren – Connected Places Catapult

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