Digitisation for construction product manufacturers – a plain language guide

Digital Twin Hub > Articles & Publications > Digitisation for construction product manufacturers – a plain language guide

How manufacturers can structure and share data safely and sustainably. 

Manufacturers of construction products produce a significant part of the information required to bring about a safer construction industry, but currently, this information isn’t structured or shared in a consistent way.

If UK construction is to meet the challenges of a digital future and respond to the requirements of a new building safety regulatory system, it needs manufacturers to structure and share their data safely and sustainably.

There’s no need to wait to digitise your product information. Making the correct changes now will bring immediate benefits to your business and long-term competitive advantage. This guide will help you identify what those changes are.

Our guide helps decision-makers in manufacturing identify why supplying structured data is important, how to avoid poor investment decisions, safe ways to share information about products across the supply chain, and more.

The Guide  https://www.theiet.org/media/8843/digitisation-for-construction-product-manufacturers-main-guide.pdf

8 Page Summary https://www.theiet.org/media/8856/digitisation-for-construction-product-manufacturers-summary.pdf

2 Page  Key facts and Summary  https://www.theiet.org/media/8856/digitisation-for-construction-product-manufacturers-summary.pdf

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