Digital Twins: the Tuesday blogs

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“There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: twins.”

Josh Billings

We have thought a lot about Digital Twins in recent times and heard an awful lot more. But there is always room for new thoughts on any subject, hence this short series of articles. We want to share fresh views with the experts and with the uninitiated. And we’ll include a hidden gem each week.

We’ll speak in plain English. We won’t talk about taxonomies, ontologies or system of systems. Instead we will look to the wisdom of Rumsfeld, Einstein, Gandhi and others to explore the wonderful world of twinning. And we’ll keep the number of words below 400 for most of the time. That’s just one page of your valuable time. We’ll post one every week for the next few weeks, starting today, and then stop (or maybe start talking about something else when we are done).

Here are the different episodes in the series:

1.  Known unknowns. Unlocking awareness, knowledge and action.

2.  Time and space. The relativity of structure, behaviour and certainty.

3.  Trusted friends. Authority, assurance and agency.

4.  A puppy isn’t just for Christmas. Long-term value.

5.  Greeks bearing gifts. Giving context.

6.  Back to the future. History, science and maths.

7.  Wisdom of the crowds. People matter.

So, settle back and read the first in the series. It shows us how Donald Rumsfeld has helped us unlock some of the hidden secrets of Digital Twins. And why we should seriously consider using them more.


Peter van Manen & Mark Stevens .. Frazer-Nash Consultancy

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