Vicki Reynolds

Forum Replies Created

  • Vicki Reynolds

    February 1, 2021 at 4:07 pm in reply to: Diversity and inclusion

    By inclusive do you mean the content posted on here is inclusive eg: digestible for all? Or do you mean literally in terms of accessibility eg: content is displayed in a sympathetic format for all abilities and disabilities? 

    A good place to start would be the development of a set of goals or targets for diversity – who do we want to reach, and what reaction do we want from them.

    If it’s gender and race representation then Women in BIM, BPIC and Women who Code are a good start.

  • Vicki Reynolds

    January 22, 2021 at 5:49 pm in reply to: Golden Thread Survey Responses

    Absolutely! Apologies I missed the last hub

  • Vicki Reynolds

    January 14, 2021 at 1:47 pm in reply to: Golden Thread Survey Responses

    Definitely @HenryFT. Some very interesting insight in to barriers and blockers to digital change, and some varying views on data ownership in the report.Â