Tom Hughes
Forum Replies Created
Welcome to the start of today’s Digital Twin Talk on The Integrated Enterprise and a big thank you to @KReevesDigi from Costain for joining us. We’re looking forward to your thoughts and questions related to Kevin’s talk – and maybe posing one or two of our own.
As with all our Twin Talks Kevin is online from 10:30am to 11:30am to answer your questions. To join the discussion please add your thoughts by replying to the conversation thread.
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 14, 2020 at 10:32 am in reply to: DT Talks: Capturing the Complexity of CitiesMany thanks to @Dan and everybody on this chat for all your comments and questions.
We are now coming to the end of our live discussion, but we will keep this space open and available until the end of the day in case you have further thoughts or questions. We will continue to monitor the discussion during that time, but on a less frequent basis.
We will also add Dan’s video, along with the videos from previous talks, to this page: https://digitaltwinhub.co.uk/digital-twin-talks/
Looking ahead, our next Digital Twin Talk: The Integrated Enterprise by @KReevesDigi of Costain. We will post the video of Kevin’s talk on Monday evening and Kevin will join us for a live forum discussion on the 21st July between 10:30 and 11:30 am BST.
We are keen for as many people as possible to benefit from this excellent series of talks and discussions. Please share a link to the DT Hub with your contacts and let them know about the Twin Talks.
Thank you all very much again,
Tom Hughes – DT Hub Delivery Lead
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 14, 2020 at 10:15 am in reply to: DT Talks: Capturing the Complexity of CitiesAn open question to all in the discussion, particularity anyone online that hasn’t posted yet. Which part of Dan’s presentation interested you the most, and what key insights will you be taking away to apply to your own work on digital twins?
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 14, 2020 at 10:12 am in reply to: DT Talks: Capturing the Complexity of CitiesHi Holger, there is a slide in the recording from 10m:15s that shows 4 input to “new governance” for the Smart Cambridge Digital Strategy
- New competence framework
- Data sharing and security
- Citizen engagement
- Legislation, regulation and risk management
At a high level how does this compare with the governance around NUAR?
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 14, 2020 at 10:03 am in reply to: DT Talks: Capturing the Complexity of Cities@Dan, the importance of governance is prominent in your talk. From the Gemini principles, to the new governance you highlight in your digital strategy, and the risk that insufficient governance can pose to smart city projects. Are there any key resources you have used to shape your governance model?
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 14, 2020 at 9:41 am in reply to: DT Talks: Capturing the Complexity of Cities@Dan, you mention that the Smart Cambridge Programme was set up about 5 years ago. What challenges have you faced getting the programme to where it is today, and what advice would you give to someone who is starting a similar programme today?
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 14, 2020 at 9:30 am in reply to: DT Talks: Capturing the Complexity of CitiesWelcome to the start of today’s Digital Twin Talk on Capturing the Complexity of Cities, and a big thank you to @Dan from Cambridge City Council for joining us. We’re looking forward to your thoughts and questions related to Dan’s talk – and maybe posing one or two of our own.
As with all our Twin Talks @Dan is online from 10:30am to 11:30am to answer your questions. To join the discussion please add your thoughts by replying to the conversation thread.
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 7, 2020 at 10:33 am in reply to: DT Talks: Driving Towards Interconnected Digital TwinsMany thanks to @Miranda and everybody on this chat for all your comments and questions.
We are now coming to the end of our live discussion, but we will keep this space open and available until the end of the day in case you have further thoughts or questions. We will continue to monitor the discussion during that time, but on a less frequent basis.
We will also add Miranda’s video, along with the videos from previous talks, to this page: https://digitaltwinhub.co.uk/digital-twin-talks/
Looking ahead, our next Digital Twin Talk: Digital twins – capturing the complexity of cities by Dan Clarke of Cambridge City Council. We will post the video of Dan’s talk on Monday evening and Dan will join us for a live forum discussion on the 14th July between 10:30 and 11:30 am.
We are keen for as many people as possible to benefit from this excellent series of talks and discussions. Please share a link to the DT Hub with your contacts and let them know about the Twin Talks.
Thank you all very much again
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 7, 2020 at 10:16 am in reply to: DT Talks: Driving Towards Interconnected Digital TwinsAn open question to all in the discussion. Miranda mentions three important “cross silo” challenges that could be addressed by the interconnection of digital twins; Carbon reduction targets, coordinated disaster response, the improvement of societal wellbeing. Do you see any other cross silo challenges that could be addressed by interconnected digital twins?
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 7, 2020 at 10:12 am in reply to: DT Talks: Driving Towards Interconnected Digital Twins@AquamatiX Thanks for the feedback on the interactive element of the Twin Talks. The talks in the series are pre-recorded. Each week a new talk is released on Monday evening with a live forum discussion on the DT Hub from 10:30 to 11:30 on Tuesday morning. The discussion stays open all day on Tuesday to allow people to continue to contribute to discussion and/or work around other commitments. The series of talks concludes with a roundtable discussion between all speakers. The round table for this series is scheduled on the 25th August and is a live event. You can find details on all of the talks in this series and the roundtable on our community calendar https://digitaltwinhub.co.uk/calendar/
If you have further questions for @Miranda or the wider CDBB team you can post them in this conversation thread.
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 7, 2020 at 9:53 am in reply to: DT Talks: Driving Towards Interconnected Digital Twins@Miranda, you mention the IMF pathway consultation in your talk. Could you explain how members of the DT Hub can take part and perhaps share your thoughts on why the IMF pathway consultation is important for the success of the National Digital Twin programme.
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 7, 2020 at 9:29 am in reply to: DT Talks: Driving Towards Interconnected Digital TwinsWelcome to the start of today’s Digital Twin Talk on “Why a National Digital Twin” and a big thank you to @Miranda from CDBB for joining us. We’re looking forward to your thoughts and questions related to Miranda’s talk – and maybe posing one or two of our own.
As with all of our Twin Talks, Miranda is online from 10:30am to 11:30am to answer your questions. To join the discussion please add your thoughts by replying to the conversation thread.
Tom Hughes
MemberJuly 2, 2020 at 5:12 pm in reply to: How to talk to your friends about Digital Twins?I like the article, particularly the middle image describing multi-tier architecture. I think you must have much cleverer friend than me ?. My go to examples are domestic IoT/Smart devices to illustrate the connection between physical things and digital applications. The one that usually gets the best laugh is my IoT “Digital Twin” cat flap!
Tom Hughes
MemberMay 5, 2020 at 10:35 am in reply to: Meeting the Digital Twin Challenge discussion@Brian thank-you for your presentation and the interesting discussion. You mentioned DAFNI as a ‘cornerstone’ of achieving the National Digital Twin vision. I would be really interested in your perspective on what you feel some of the other cornerstones may be.
Who are you? I’m Tom Hughes, the delivery lead for the Digital Twin Hub.
What is your industry and profession? I am a Civil Engineer that followed a passion of using technology to do my job more efficiently into a career of helping others to do the same. When I’m not working on the Digital Twin Hub I am the Head of Project Technology at Mott MacDonald.
Where do you plan to use your new Digital Twin Knowledge? Personally/professionally? Personally am looking forward to data being used for the public good; both in terms of better and more efficient services, and a sustainable natural environment. Professionally it has renewed my focus on project technology that can efficiently deliver non-graphical information.
Why have you decided to join the DTHub? It is the most exciting place to be in the transformation of the built environment sector! It has been a real privilege to have been a part of it from the start.
Have you participated in any of our meetups, or events? Every one that my calendar has allowed me to be. I am biased, but I think they have been fantastic.
Do you have any examples of work that you have done using Digital Twins? There are excellent examples of work that has done by colleagues at Mott MacDonald but I will let the people responsible for these share them. I would encourage all members to share case studies of their work on the Hub.