Hi Paul
I know a small IT group near London who I was going to help them with the building of a platform for a mixed use property portfolio which was going to involve the LiDAR scanning and matterporte models for all the buildings and then look at building out the modules to onto this.  I had a similar idea to what you mentioned ‘many years’ ago when I was doing a lot of due diligence for a large US group acquiring buildings – propTech was not a term then….my regret I never followed through!  If you are interested in having a discussion drop me a note and I can hook you up with them. (nigel.austin@cloverleafadvisory.com)
If you have alot of spatial data from different sources this organisation SightPower has a platform that is capable of doing this. They currently do it in the mining sector but adaptable to the built environment. See the pdf attached as an example of can be done.
2103 – SightPower – Digital Mining Capability – Final – R0b – For DT Paul.pdf