Janos Deak

Forum Replies Created

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  • Janos Deak

    June 17, 2021 at 4:49 pm in reply to: Call for experts: BSI Digital Twin panel

    Sound very interest

  • Janos Deak

    June 15, 2021 at 11:59 pm in reply to: Why we need Quantum Digital Twins

    On 04/01/2021 at 17:23, Ian Gordon said:

    We need to create a vision for Digital Twins in our sector that truly sets them apart from the current art-of-the-possible (e.g. BIM, BI, etc.).To that end, I think it’s useful to focus not on what’s possible now, but what will become possible in the (relatively) near future.On-demand quantum computing will provide us with unprecedented ability to process huge volumes of data and to simulate complex inter-related systems.That’s why we need Quantum Digital Twins to transform the way we operate our transport infrastructure.



    What if we build a collective – foresight – backcasting – platform with collective intelligence and integrated into a multi layered social network environment? 
    See layer 1

  • Janos Deak

    June 15, 2021 at 11:34 pm in reply to: OntoPop(.com) – open source Ontology Visualisation tool

    On 25/05/2021 at 10:46, Graham Meaden said:

    Ian, we have a working MVP called Graphshare trying to address this. Let’s catch-up.

    Ontopop available to everyone in our society for free with full features and can extend and customize as you wish.Thank you @Ian Gordon – (But your GitHub link doesn’t works and NO any Ontopop repository there.)https://github.com/hyperlearningai/ontopophttps://github.com/leipzig/ontopop

  • Janos Deak

    June 15, 2021 at 9:47 pm in reply to: Twinfrastructure discussion

    On 19/05/2020 at 10:38, Neil Thomspon said:

    Hey @Miranda, good question! Yes, if we look at things like Github and Stackoverflow in the software world we can see how effective it is to connect technical people in this way. interestingly it creates a vital learning environment!

    This is one of our target to address in our multi layered semantic social network collaborative social innovation environment with different repositories like:See Layer 3
    Micro Service – UML
    Process – BPMN

    It will create a vital SERVICE learning environment for the general public
    The shared content will be archived and semantically structured by AI and individual Human agents to relevant topics and subjects supported with visual knowledge graph.

  • Janos Deak

    June 15, 2021 at 9:05 pm in reply to: Planning Golden Thread

    On 15/06/2021 at 13:18, RachelJudson said:

    Hi Humanner

    I am not a housing or planning expert, so this is a bit speculative;

    1. Large pieces of land are put up for sale by farmers and councils for housing developments as one large lot
    2. Large parcels of land need huge investment so mostly taken up by big housing construction companies that have a portfolio of house designs for the site. 

    What Jack along with 3D Repo and Bryden Wood are proposing, above, will give individuals better access to the planning process alongside the bigger actors, to take advantage of smaller available sites to develop houses of their own design. 

    As to whether the UK have the creativity and nice designs available, I suppose you’ll have to ask Kevin McLeod on Grand Designs.

    Hi Rachel
    Thank you for your answer for my comment.

  • Janos Deak

    June 15, 2021 at 5:25 am in reply to: Our Vision for the built environment

    On 01/06/2021 at 10:53, Melissa Zanocco said:

    Thank you to the Gemini Call for inviting me to present on Our Vision for the built environment. The Vision is for a built environment whose explicit purpose is to enable people and nature to flourish together for generations. The built environment sector has come together to articulate the future that we want so that we can all align our activity towards achieving it.

    My two biggest take aways from the journey to creating the Vision are:

    1.       When it comes to aligned outcomes, I think that we are making process at the global UN Sustainable Development Goals level, the national governmental level and improving how we invest in projects and programmes, using models like Project 13. However, the gap for me that needs the most work is the local, community level. I feel there are less vehicles, processes and models to understand outcomes at that level i.e. how do you get a health outcome for a community rather than just building a hospital. And that includes getting community input into defining the right outcomes for the area.

    2.       The second is my steep learning curve when it comes to regenerative and biophilic design, ecosystem services, natural infrastructure and nature-based solutions. I don’t think that we hear those terms enough. It feels like Net Zero is rolling off everyone’s tongue more now but we really need to be embracing nature-based solutions if we are to solve the issues while there is still time. I particularly think that biodiversity could be about to overtake Net Zero as our number one priority, as we may die sooner from destroying ecosystem services than from climate change.

    Do you agree? I am keen to get your feedback on the Vision in general but also your main take aways. For the first time in history, we have the tools and technology to work together to make this future vision a reality, what is the role of Digital Twins in achieving it?



    Our fundamental concepts, tools and platforms in which we design and implement information systems prevent us from making them flexible and “organic”. They tie us to their components and versions, hide the structures in huge text files, get more rigid and fragile by every change.


  • Janos Deak

    June 10, 2021 at 6:48 pm in reply to: CDBB Vision, Roadmap & State of the Nation – Have your say!

    On 10/06/2021 at 12:18, Mark Enzer said:

    Hi Humanner.  Yes, it’s all about outcomes for people, society and nature.  Have you seen ‘Our Vision for the built environment’ (https://indd.adobe.com/view/f2092c85-cd16-4186-9035-e2a63adc2bf9) and ‘Flourishing Systems’ (https://www.cdbb.cam.ac.uk/files/flourishing-systems_revised_200908.pdf)?  Would be great to chat about this…

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for your links. I’m so happy to see these visions like: (A paradigm shift is required: we must recognise infrastructure as a system of systems and manage it accordingly.) Your documents also validate our project idea as most of the details are in our research database as well.
    What we try to establish an operating system of the society to help them in collaboration and collective actions based on TRUE information. As our companies already have methods, tools to manage them operation but for the community do not have similar opportunity yet.
    That is why we would extend the present limited functions of social networks to give tools for the society for a better way to interact with each other across different segments.

    From foresight to policy improvement and recommendation. 
    Seems to me our project find the HOMETOWN in this community. 
    Would be great to have a chat in the near future.
    Kind regards
    Janos Deak


  • Janos Deak

    June 10, 2021 at 3:12 am in reply to: Planning Golden Thread

    Can you tell me why every NEW houses same all across the UK?
    I do not saw in Europe similar boring and monotonous architect – where are the creativity and nice design in housing industry?
    Why cannot build individuals they own houses with unique plan?

  • Janos Deak

    June 10, 2021 at 2:05 am in reply to: CDBB Vision, Roadmap & State of the Nation – Have your say!

    What kind of National Digital Twin will be if you ignore the SOCIETY of need in digital tools infrastructure?

    How would you like to develop a KNOWLEDGE economy BASED SOCIETY if your system ignore the PEOPLE?

  • Janos Deak

    June 10, 2021 at 2:00 am in reply to: Digital twins in Promoting for Sustainability

    Let’s talk about – Digital twins in Promoting for Sustainability


  • Janos Deak

    June 10, 2021 at 1:17 am in reply to: Digital Twins Standards Roadmap Published

    On 01/02/2021 at 14:47, DRossiter87 said:

    After engaging with members of the DTHub to collect and incorporate your views, we are pleased to announce the publication of the Digital Twins for the Built Environment Standards Roadmap [Full Report] [Summary Report].

    As reported by O’Sullivan and Brévignon‐Dodin, standards roadmaps support innovations and emerging technologies by helping their respective communities to coalesce around needs, priorities and approaches.  This standards roadmap was developed to specifically support the consistent adoption of, and interoperability between, digital twins for the built environment within the UK. 

    In doing so it recommends the development of several standards of varying types around two key themes: 

    1. Digital twin framework for the built environment: This theme takes into account existing work at ISO to develop a digital twin framework for manufacturing so that the built environment approach can be compared to, and aligned with, the approach being taken by other sectors; and 
    2. Digital Built Environment: This theme identifies gaps within the existing standards landscape to facilitate trusted, open, and secure exchanges of information to and between organisations through mechanism such as digital twins. 

    The gaps within each of these themes were then developed into outline concepts to determine their dependencies and establish a critical path for their development. The first recommendation is an agile standard that outlines the overview and general principles relating to digital twins for the built environment. 

  • Janos Deak

    June 10, 2021 at 12:38 am in reply to: Twinfrastructure discussion

    On 19/05/2020 at 11:11, Neil Thomspon said:

    That is one of my favourite illustrations of our systems of systems. This links nicley with https://www.cdbb.cam.ac.uk/news/flourishing-systems the flourishing systems paper, also links to @holgerkessler question about the built aspect of the B in CDBB. Something you can maybe contribute to the Glossary


  • Janos Deak

    June 10, 2021 at 12:19 am in reply to: Twinfrastructure discussion

    On 19/05/2020 at 10:58, Neil Thomspon said:

    Do you have an idea on other frames we could explore? 



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