Janos Deak

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  • Janos Deak

    July 11, 2022 at 2:41 am in reply to: Open Innovation and Citizen science



  • Janos Deak

    July 11, 2022 at 2:32 am in reply to: SOCIETY NETWORK = Really-Big-Picture Enterprise-Architecture


    Citizen Social Science in the age of the ALPHA GENERATION


    Would be very interesting conversation if we can discover how can help the DIGITAL TWIN the CITIZEN SCIENCE movements and what kind of infrastructure would need to do so.

  • Janos Deak

    May 6, 2022 at 1:08 am in reply to: Open Innovation and Citizen science

    A knowledge commons is a combination of intelligent information representation and the openness, governance, and trust required to create a participatory ecosystem whereby the whole community maintains and evolves this shared information space. A knowledge commons is predicated on a central movement from a data society to a knowledge and wisdom society.

    A knowledge commons is a core ‘technology’ (defined to include both hardware/software and cultural technologies) of the solution for a more inclusive, open, and equitable community. In this participatory ecosystem, the whole community maintains and evolves the shared space.

    Although graph databases are a relatively new development in computer science, learning theory has indeed traced human cognition as a progression from disconnected concepts to a graph organization.



  • Janos Deak

    August 17, 2021 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Digital Twins for a Utopian Anarchy


    In 2004, Kentaro Toyama, an award-winning computer scientist, moved to India to start a new research group for Microsoft. But after a decade of designing technologies for humanitarian causes, Toyama concluded that no technology, however dazzling, could cause social change on its own.

    So, a golden age of innovation in the world’s most advanced country did nothing for our most prominent social ill.

    Toyama’s warning resounds: Don’t believe the hype! Technology is never the main driver of social progress.

     Geek Heresy inoculates us against the glib rhetoric of tech utopians by revealing that technology is only an amplifier of human conditions. By telling the moving stories of extraordinary people like Patrick Awuah, a Microsoft millionaire who left his lucrative engineering job to open Ghana’s first liberal arts university, and Tara Sreenivasa, a graduate of a remarkable South Indian school that takes children from dollar-a-day families into the high-tech offices of Goldman Sachs and Mercedes-Benz.

    Toyama shows that even in a world steeped in technology, social challenges are best met with deeply social solutions.

  • Janos Deak

    August 5, 2021 at 8:35 pm in reply to: Digital Twins for a Utopian Anarchy

    On 03/08/2021 at 14:48, HenryFT said:

    What did you think of the episode @Humanner ? We spoke to someone who is quite sceptical about the possibility of social reform through digital twins. 

    Hi @HenryFT
    My name is Janos Deak just I registered with the project email and I thought more important promote the project brand than build my personal reputation. 
    I do not belíve any TOP – DOWN social reform will work on system level. Most of the granted research and social projects are died after end of the financial period. Made few conferences for few elite and published some study documents, very seldom with data of the research. I understand why sceptical your conversation partner as I felt many times especial when I see government grants want to resolve systemic problems with isolated and disconnected small projects but I can see some promising signals. 

    If we think about DT only as 3D with data integration than I agree do not will work the social reform through digital twins. But if you build a social network based on semantic web and GIS as spatial web and use for example the CityGML / CityJSON than can build a new kind of social network as SOCIETY NETWORK which would support the full life-cycle of collective problem solving with holistic approach. 

    We want to establish a Web of Knowledge. This allows to see how any idea is connected with other ideas in debates, through evidence, citations, influence, consequences, etc. Our vision a SOCIETY NETWORK for smart citizens in smart cities would looks like with this functional layers:

  • Janos Deak

    July 30, 2021 at 2:41 pm in reply to: SOCIETY NETWORK = Really-Big-Picture Enterprise-Architecture

    I got accepted into the CoAct CSS Summer School so it would be great if we can contribute related with this opportunity.


    Topic would be inter / transdisciplinary public engagement in CSS activity and TECH support.
    This also relevant with research at NCCPEhttps://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/whats-new/blog/engaged-approach-exploring-interdisciplinary-engagement

    I attend in the NCCPE workshop and cited the Humanner project in the final email attached workshop report:https://padlet.com/nccpeenquiries1/IPEintroductions

    ‘Publics are attracted by the idea of there being a problem to solve – while they might not
    have the tools or expertise to solve it, they are eager to contribute and connect with those
    that might. The idea of the specific ‘disciplines’ is not something that will factor into the
    public’s thinking and desire for conversation in the same way that it might an academic’s.’

    ‘How interdisciplinary are we willing to go? As someone who works in the humanities, it’s
    far easier to discuss ideas with a historian or an academic in English literature, for example,
    than someone working in STEM – but focusing on the problem might be the way to occupy
    that space together.’

    ‘One of the topics we discussed was how interdisciplinary projects begin; one of the ideas
    we had was a shared interest or problem, rather than random, shared research areas. This
    initial point was also a good way to include community voices.

    ‘We talked about hinging PE around ‘themes’, rather than disciplines. The public aren’t
    necessarily interested in thinking about issues within a set discipline – rather shared
    themes or problems that affect society at large, or might affect them personally.

    ‘We discussed engaging the public using interdisciplinary teams that are put together to
    solve a problem and help answer questions that the public want to learn about. The intent
    is to solve a problem that just happens to highlight your research. These events will often
    lead to the biggest impact, and would also be the most rewarding to be a part of.’

    ‘There’s a whole bunch of bright people (in this room and beyond) thinking about this
    topic, and thinking about public engagement not just around disciplines or subjects, but
    big, interesting topics and questions we face in society today. In terms of ‘next steps’:
    Networks! Meetings! Project sharing! Collaboration! i.e. finding ways to strengthen this
    bright group of people by fostering opportunities to support and learn from each other.’


    If you know someone who can help turn an idea into project, please connect with Citizen
    Social Science in the age of the Alpha Generation: First digital Collective Intelligence
    (Link end of the pdf doc)

  • Janos Deak

    July 25, 2021 at 3:33 am in reply to: Digital Twins for a Utopian Anarchy


    It is time to align people and environmental needs through new interconnected collaborative organizational models. Establish the bridge between the virtual and offline world as well as connect academics and communities to focus on social impact. 
    Why I’m here in this community site? – Everything connect somehow with GIS data to get more exact information. 

    #socialimpact #innovation #sustainability #climatechange #environment #environmental #sustainable #people

    Scope of HUMANNER to establish the first next generation Multi Layered Social Network as SOCIETY NETWORK = Collective Intelligence
    If you wish to hear from others on the same case – WHY – please watch these two videos:



  • On 14/07/2021 at 10:17, Ajeeth said:

    I came across an EU funded project “xr4all” which provides a development environment(among other things) for XR projects. The details are here: https://dev.xr4all.eu

    Will it be possible for the NDT programme to provide similar platform for DT community in the UK? It will help in fostering rapid collaboration and development of the DT ecosystem.

    Thanks and kind regards,



    If you read carefully the DT promotion documents is all about only the capitalist VC and Ivory Tower academic research supported and NOTHING FOR GENERAL PUBLIC.
    VIVA BREXIT  – NO ANY TECH infrastructure support for SME and innovative communities.

  • Janos Deak

    July 10, 2021 at 3:06 am in reply to: Network – Open Innovation – Open (Citizen) Science – SDG

    2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data

    “Building Connections Together”


    Registration is open for the 2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data

    The 2021 LD4 Conference Program Committee is excited to announce that the 2021 LD4 Conference will be held online from July 19 to 23. We aim to build on the success of the LD4 2020 Conference (1,500+ attendees representing 22 countries, and 86 presenters), while incorporating the community’s increased experience with online meetings, and the availability of improved online collaboration tools, to create an event that is interactive, accessible, and engaging.

    The conference will focus on concrete ways that linked data impacts GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) institutions, and will share pathways that allow others to participate in linked data. By bringing together a broad range of perspectives, the conference seeks to create a community of practice for linked data in cultural heritage institutions.

    Go to the Registration page to sign up; it’s free!

  • Janos Deak

    July 9, 2021 at 3:34 am in reply to: Open Innovation and Citizen science

    Do you know any similar Citizen scientists innovation support program in the UK?https://coactproject.eu/https://coeso.hypotheses.org/https://sshopencloud.eu/

  • Do you know any similar Citizen scientists innovation support program in the UK?https://coactproject.eu/https://coeso.hypotheses.org/https://sshopencloud.eu/


  • Hi Ashleigh,
    We are in ideation / concept stage with our project and can’t find any R&D support to go forward with our social ecosystem design approach project. 
    We address the individuals and SME to support them to learn system thinking which very important in my case in our present and near future especial related with UN SDG and climate change progress.
    As I can see we have more common goals like:

    • Taking a systems-thinking approach to see data, technology and process as part of an interconnected ecosystem 

    • Having a collaborative and adaptable culture that is benefits driven, focused on outcomes to achieve and recognise the role people play in achieving this 

    • Learn by doing, Progress by sharing

    • + Learning flow – Expert flow in co-creation

    Do you know anyone who can help a SYSTEM INNOVATION bottom up community project development?  


  • Janos Deak

    June 25, 2021 at 1:14 pm in reply to: I am a rookie, how can I help?

    On 25/06/2021 at 12:47, Ajeeth said:

    Hello Everyone,

    I am new on this forum. And I would like to help, in anyway possible. I am a Software Engineer(C/C++ on Linux-based systems) but open to contributing on anything else you may find doable by a DT rookie.

    Thanks and kind regards,



    Hi Ajeeth
    Seems to me we are thinking on a similar field so would be great to start to discuss on our common points.
    Please take a look at my post:


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