How to create a register entry

Digital Twin Hub > How to create a register entry

The digital twin register can be used to document digital twins that your organisation has already developed and is using or digital twins you are actively working on for use in the future. Please use this area to provide a high-level description of the purpose of the digital twin that you have created or are intending to create. Please share the relevant information regarding the digital twin you’re working on.

A Digital Twin is a digital representation of a physical asset or the service delivered by it, used to make decisions that will affect the physical asset. Any changes to the physical assets will be reflected in the digital twin.


Provide as much information regarding either challenges you have already encountered during the creation of your digital twin or provide an indication regarding where you think challenges might be. If you have thoughts about how this might best be addressed then information about that is also invaluable.  Here are some questions to consider including in your response. 

  1. What was or do you see as the greatest opportunity in creating your digital twin for this specific application?
  2. What was or do you see as the greatest challenge in creating your digital twin for this specific application?
  3. How do you plan to or how did mitigate and manage the challenges that will arise from the creation of your Digital Twin?
  4. Were the challenges that you fore-sore actually that core challenges that you faced in the development process?


This is the area where you can really look to add the details about what you the work that you have conducted is relation to the use case described above. The more information you can provide about the approach and any results that may have been collected is only going to strengthen the collective value to the community. Here are some questions to consider including in your response. 

  1. What is your use case for a Digital Twin?
  2. What was your primary driver towards looking to a Digital Twin as a solution to your problem?
  3. How do you plan to or did you approach the creation of your Digital Twin?
  4. What were the primary outcomes from creating your Digital Twin?
  5. What were the lessons that you learnt from this process?
  6. What are the next steps?