Ontology development
Posted by Ian Gordon on February 18, 2020 at 9:05 pmDevelopment of common Ontologies and Taxonomies will be key to interoperability and data exchange between Digital Twins. So who’s actively developing them?
At Highways England we are actively developing a Domain Ontology to serve as the basis for our data modelling and information sharing within and outside our organisation. I’m keen to solicit as much input to this as possible, as well as learn from the efforts of other organizations.
Protégé users (it’s free) can review the Ontology as it develops by requesting access to: https://webprotege.stanford.edu/#projects/0b3be685-73bd-4d5a-b866-e70d0ac7169b/edit/Classes
Let me know your username (you can reach me at ian.gordon@highwaysengland.co.uk) and I’ll give you access. Feedback is much appreciated.
Andrew Myers replied 5 years ago 1 Member · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
Hi Ian, Thank you I’d be very interested in having a look. I’ve just signed-up to Protege, username: DRossiter87
Hi Ian. Many thanks for sharing this.
This sounds really interesting and highly relevant to our first theme for the DT Hub. If there are any points from your Domain Ontology that you would like to share with this community then we’d be very happy to help you to summarise those and solicit feedback.
Thanks again, Nick Monnickendam
On 2/20/2020 at 10:03 AM, DRossiter87 said:
Hi Ian, Thank you I’d be very interested in having a look. I’ve just signed-up to Protege, username: DRossiter87
Will sort that out for you. What’s your email?
Hi @Ian Gordon, thank you I too am interested in having a look if possible:
e-mail: peter.elhajj@mottmac.com
username: PeterElHajj
Thank you
Hi Ian,
Thanks for sharing this, I would be really interested in seeing what you’ve been working on also. As well as working at Anglian Water, I am part of the BIM4Water group in the water sector, and we’ve been doing a lot of work to understand how we drive data standardisation and hiearchies, would be great to understand how we can connect on this.
My username is ‘Richard Stirland’.
Many thanks
Thanks for this. I’d like access to the HE developments and to contribute where possible. User name (also my email) l.varga@ucl.ac.uk
We’ve been looking at infrastructure ontologies as part of DAFNI https://www.dafni.ac.uk/ who have a high performance computing capability to provide data, models and visualisation on infrastructure for research use.
Thank you
Liz Varga
On 3/7/2020 at 9:45 PM, G. Lewis said:
Hi Ian
I would be interested also.
username is G.Lewis
Graham Lewis
No problems, we’ll add you shortly
20 minutes ago, Liz Varga said:
Thanks for this. I’d like access to the HE developments and to contribute where possible. User name (also my email) l.varga@ucl.ac.uk
We’ve been looking at infrastructure ontologies as part of DAFNI https://www.dafni.ac.uk/ who have a high performance computing capability to provide data, models and visualisation on infrastructure for research use.
Thank you
Liz Varga
Liz, sounds really interesting, would be great to hear more about Dafni
Hello Ian
I would also be interested in seeing what you have been working on. My username on Protégé is Rachel Judson.
Thank you
32 minutes ago, simon.evans@arup.com said:
Hi Ian,
I am also interested.
simon.evans@arup.com / SimonEvans
Nope probs Simon, we’ll hook you up shortly.
Ian – interesting topic. I’m keen to take a look and let you know my thoughts.
Within NWG we’re not quite as advanced in our thinking around Ontologies, but we’ve done a lot of work on Classification and Taxonomies of our assets as part of our Digital Transformation programme (utilising Uniclass where possible).
I’ve signed up now – andrew.myers@nwl.co.uk Andrew Myers
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