Draft BS 99001:2021 Quality management systems: would you be willing to comment please?

Digital Twin Hub > Articles & Publications > Draft BS 99001:2021 Quality management systems: would you be willing to comment please?

Good day to you!

I am a member of the BSi e-committee, tasked with producing the attached draft of BS 99001:2021 Quality management systems.

It has been produced with the intention of being utilised alongside BS EN ISO 9001:20159001 in the UK construction sector, as it has specific requirements for the built environment sector.

It is out for public consultation until the 24th July 2021. Thereafter BSI shall hold comment resolution meeting(s) to address and resolve comments received.

The aim of this new quality management standard is to ensure that in the wake of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, BS EN ISO 9001:20159001 remains relevant to UK construction industry. 

Because the NDTp is such an important element of the ever changing landscape of the UK construction industry, the BSi e-committee would very much appreciate feed back from those who are heavily involved in digitalization of the built environment in general, and those who are committed to the NDTp in particular, on the draft version of BS 99001:2021. Specifically feedback on this question would be very gratefully received:- 

Will this new, built environment centric quality management system, actually help the NDTp achieve its vision, by not only supporting that vision, but actually being a key enabler of that vision?

Please do make comments using the online SDP system. Please note comments need to be saved and submitted individually.

Obviously if you have any questions, please do contact me.

Sincere and grateful thanks in advance everyone,



BSI 99001.pdf

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