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Following a year-long consultation exercise bringing together leading experts from the data science and information management communities, The pathway towards an Information Management Framework (IMF) report was published in May 2020. This report sets out the technical approach to deliver the Information Management Framework, a common language by which digital twins of the built and natural environment can communicate securely and effectively to support improved decision taking by those operating, maintaining and using built assets and the services they provide to society.
The report outlines three building blocks to form an appropriately functioning technical core:
· Foundation Data Model (FDM): a consistent, clear understanding of what constitutes the world of digital twins
· Reference Data Library (RDL): the particular set of classes and properties we will use to describe our digital twins
· Integration Architecture (IA): the protocols that will enable the managed sharing of data.
A webinar, The pathway towards an Information Management Framework, was held on 8 June 2020, you can watch it here:
Following the publication of the report, an open consultation to get feedback on the methodology proposed was run and feedback was consolidated in the following summary.