Digital Twin Ecosystem: CReDo
CReDo wins at the Climate Innovation AwardsÂ
Climate resilience digital twin tops Green Building, Infrastructure and Adaptation category Work to develop CReDo – the Climate Resilience Demonstrator – has led Connected Places…
CReDo Phase 2: Developing decision-support use cases
CReDo Phase 2 final report: Developing decision-support use cases The Phase 2 final report sets out the groundwork for CReDo to develop as a decision-support…
CReDo event blog – Workshop explores resilience model’s expanding scope
Potential expansions to the CReDo model (the Climate Resilience Demonstrator) including further geographical, use case and climate scenarios, were unveiled at The Future of CReDo…
Guest blog: Climate resilience via distributed data sharing and connected understanding, by Amit Bhave, CMCL
Climate resilience via distributed data sharing and connected understanding Amit Bhave, CEO and Co-Founder of CMCL Critical infrastructure and climate change resilience Critical infrastructure networks,…
Building climate resilience into integrated infrastructure with CReDo
Fathom gave CReDo’s climate change adaptation platform powerful scientific foundations through access to independently validated flood data with over three decades of academic legacy.
Global flood risk intelligence firm Fathom unveils the most complete and technologically advanced flood map for the US
 Fathom, a global leader in water risk intelligence, has released a new US Flood Map; a cutting-edge tool that provides the most comprehensive climate-driven flood…
CReDo wins Ofwat innovation funding to improve the climate resilience of infrastructure
The Climate Resilience Demonstrator (CReDo) project has been awarded close to £1m to investigate the effects of extreme heat on water infrastructure and offer solutions.…
CReDo event blog – Connected digital twins can help increase climate resilience
Combining asset data into a connected digital twin can give asset owners across energy, water and telecoms networks a better understanding of the risk of…
Catch up with the recording of the CReDo showcase event here
We’re pleased to share the full recording of the Climate Resilience Demonstrator (CReDo) showcase event hosted at Connected Places Catapult on 7 March 2023. Learn…