Join the DT Hub at Convene Sancroft, Rose St, Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7DQ on 19-20 March 2025
We are delighted to announce that our Connected Digital Twins Summit is a feature of the Connected Places Summit taking place from 19-20 March 2025, with a packed in-person and online programme.
Here is what we have planned so far:
Wednesday 19 March
11:30 A cross-sectoral view to accelerating progress: ​UK data sharing infrastructure
Discover how progress can be fast-tracked collectively across energy, water, transport, and communications. How can the Ofgem’sÂ
pioneering work be scaled and connected to drive cross-sector collaboration and innovation?
Gavin Starks, Chief Executive Officer, Icebreaker One and Co-Chair, Smart Data Council, Department for Business and Trade, Justin Anderson, Director, Digital Twin Hub,  Sarah Hayes, Associate, Connected Places Catapult
12:00 AI and digital twins: in conversation with Lord Clement-Jones CBE
Discover how AI can tackle socio-technical challenges in connecting digital twins and unlock new value in managing systems and critical infrastructure for the benefit of people and places.
Lord Tim Clement-Jones CBE, Speaker, AI and Creative Industries in conversation with Dr Alison Vincent CBE, Chair, Digital Twin Hub Board and Non-Executive Director, Connected Places Catapult
12:30 COMPASS: National Highways’ organisational digital twin
Get a first-hand look at National Highways’ Organisational Twin, its use cases, and how the organisation is defining ROI.
14:00 Towards a federated network of transport systems
Hear about the Economic Business Analysis with ARUP and the latest on the Transport Research and Innovation Board (TRIB) Roadmap, driving the future of federated transport systems.
Miranda Sharp, Kaiasm and Data Valuation Expert, Department for Business and Trade (Chair), George Economides, Head of Digital Twins, Department for Transport, Davin Crowley-Sweet, CEO, National Highways, Chris Stanley, Head of Asset Data, Network RailÂ
14:30 How is energy becoming greener and more affordable?
How is energy optimisation advancing sustainability and affordability? Join the discussion on the path to a greener future.
Guy Newey, CEO Energy Systems Catapult, Daniel Marsden, Group Product Manager, EON, Kjell Ericksen, Vice President, DNV Â Â
15:00 Climate resilience: CReDO project showcase
Learn how the CReDo Project is driving better decision-making for asset management, boosting ROI, and improving operational efficiencies
Melissa Tallack, Managing Director, C2Life, Elliot Christou, Data and Technical Lead, Connected Places Catapult, Alanna Gluck, Delivery and Engagement Manager, Connected Places Catapult
16:00 Data governance
Purpose, Value and Trust: multi-party digital twin and data sharing projects.
Sarah Cameron, Legal Director, Pinsent Masons (Chair), Andrew Newman, Principal Data Specialist, Open Data Institute, Carolyn Lang, Senior Associate, Pinsent MasonsÂ
16:30 Innovation pitch: Cybersecurity strategies for sustainable savings
Discover how innovation, cybersecurity, and cost-saving strategies can reshape transportation. Learn how SMEs and advanced solutions can boost resilience and drive sustainable growth.
Evan Jones, Lead Security Architect, Complete Cyber
16:40 Digital innovation futures
Understand the role of data and digital innovation in shaping the future, and how we can build a secure, trusted society for all.
Mark Enzer OBE, Vice-Chair, Digital Twin Hub Board and Member of Government Office for Science – Council for Science and Technology
Note: Our online programme for Thursday 20 March will be announced soon.
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