# Changelog ## 1.4.2 | October 16, 2024 - Fixed a compatibility issue with Gravity Forms 2.9. ## 1.4.1 | August 15, 2024 - Added default color to the delete button. This fixes an issue where some themes may cause the delete button to not be visible. ## 1.4 | June 21, 2024 - Fixed issue where warning icon was misaligned. - Added support for rotating images using the user-facing cropper/editor. Rotating can be disabled using the [`gpfup_cropper_options`](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_cropper_options) JavaScript filter hook. ## 1.3.18 | May 22, 2024 - Fixed cropping issue when max canvas size limit was reached on iOS Devices. ## 1.3.17 | May 15, 2024 - Added [`gpfup_meets_minimum_requirement`](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_meets_minimum_requirement) JS filter hook. ## 1.3.16 - Fixed potential conflict with other plugins using Vue 2. ## 1.3.15 - Added German translations. Credit: Florian Rinnhofer of sportunion.at ## 1.3.14 - Improved compatibility with rehydrating images previously uploaded using GP Media Library. ## 1.3.13 - Fixed issue where an old, cached dependency version was occasionally breaking upload fields. ## 1.3.12 - Improved compatibility with other plugins using Vue. ## 1.3.11 - Updated an upstream dependency to resolve a rounding issue when cropping/resizing images. ## 1.3.10 - Improved support for cropping WebP images. If the browser does not support exporting ``'s as WebP's, the WebP image will be treated as a non-image file. ## 1.3.9 - Added compatibility for Gravity Forms' new Theme Framework. ## 1.3.8 - Fixed an issue where files could show as done uploading even when the server is still processing the file which could result in a confusing user experience due to an alert being shown when clicking submit. ## 1.3.7 - Updated CSS specificity for the `.gpfup__delete` button to help prevent potentially odd styles from being inherited from themes. ## 1.3.6 - Fixed an issue with JPEG images not getting embedded in PDF generated by Gravity PDF. ## 1.3.5 - Updated the allowed image types for cropping/previewing to GIF, PNG, JPG, BMP, WebP, and SVG. ## 1.3.4 - Added Swedish translation. Hallå! Credit: Nikka Systems ## 1.3.3 - Improved accessibility by increasing contrast of "Drop file here" message as well as fixing an `aria-for` attribute on the field label. ## 1.3.2 - Fixed issue where development version of Vue would be used rather than the production version. ## 1.3.1 - Improved compatibility Gravity Forms 2.6's new AJAX saving. ## 1.3 - Added support for rehydrating File Upload Pro fields when editing GP Nested Form child entries. ## 1.2.4 - Fixed issue where images would not be output into PDFs generated by Gravity PDF if the extensions were not all lowercase. ## 1.2.3 - Fixed issue where uploading PSDs with a MIME type of either `image/psd` or `image/vnd.adobe.photoshop` would result in the file icon only showing a spinner and the upload not completing. - Added "Update URI" to plugin header to improve security. ## 1.2.2 - Fixed issue where rehydration info would be output for any File Upload Field rather than ones using File Upload Pro which could cause PHP errors in some situations. - Fixed JavaScript conflict that could occur in the Full Site Editor in WordPress 5.9 Beta. ## 1.2.1 - Added [gpfup_uploader_ready](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_uploader_ready/) JS action so other perks can safely subscribe to GPFUP events after the uploader has initialized. (#49) ## 1.2 - Added data-file-type and data-file-ext attributes to each file to enable more specific CSS targeting. - Fixed PHP warning that could occur if Single File Upload fields are present in a form. - Added support for rehydrating File Upload Pro fields connected to Gravity Forms User Registration update feeds. ## 1.1.10 - Added new [gpfup_scripts](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_scripts) PHP filter for filtering the registered scripts. ## 1.1.9 - Fixed issue where the "replacingFile" code flag on the Plupload instance would not be removed after a file had been replaced. ## 1.1.8 - Updated TIFFs to be treated as regular files since most browsers cannot render them nor convert to another format. ## 1.1.7 - Improved compatibility with other plugins using Vue as a dependency on the frontend. File Upload Pro now enqueues Vue as `gravityperks-vue-2`. ## 1.1.6 - Fixed an issue where disabling cropping on a field after requiring it may cause GPFUP to freeze. ## 1.1.5 - Fixed an issue where uploading a GIF file failed. ## 1.1.4 - Added i18n support for `Cropping x of y` in PO. ## 1.1.3 - Fixed errors when used with Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On to update user meta. ## 1.1.2 - Fixed a compatibility issue with the Gutenberg editor. - Fixed issue where the File Upload Pro field settings container would add extra whitespace when not visible. ## 1.1.1 - Added [gpfup_before_upload](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_before_upload) JavaScript action. ## 1.1 - Fixed styling of notice below "Enable Multi-File Upload" setting in Form Editor when File Upload Pro is enabled for the selected field. - Added server-side re-hydration which improves compatibility with Save & Continue ## 1.0.5 - Fixed a compatibility issue with Gravity PDF when uploading PDF files using GPFUP. ## 1.0.4 - Added new [gpfup_strip_image_metadata](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_strip_image_metadata) JavaScript filter to control whether or not image metadata/EXIF should be stripped from uploaded images. - Added new [gpfup_jpeg_quality](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_jpeg_quality/) JavaScript filter for controlling the JPEG quality used when saving cropped images. ## 1.0.3 - Fixed issue where cropping would not work in some situations on multi-page forms or when using multiple File Upload Pro fields in the same form. - Added support for using File Upload Pro in admin pages including pages created by the Ultimate Dashboard plugin. - Fixed JavaScript warning if cropping was disabled. ## 1.0.2 - Added support for accessing File Upload Pro JavaScript instance using window.GPFUP_FORMID_FIELDID format. As a result, window.GPFUP was renamed to window.GPFUP_CONSTANTS and window.GPFUP_FORM_FORMID was renamed to window.GPFUP_FORM_INIT_FORMID. - Added [gpfup_strings](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_strings/) JavaScript filter for customizing localized strings used on the frontend. - Fixed issue where the image preview dimensions would be set to 0 causing the preview to not show if only image extensions are allowed. - Added [gpfup_skip_image_loader](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_skip_image_loader/] JavaScript filter. - Fixed issue where cropping constraints would be applied/enforced even with cropping disabled. ## 1.0.1 - Fixed issue where long filenames were not correctly truncated via styles. (#24) ## 1.0 - Added setting to enable drag-and-drop sorting of files. - Added settings for specifying minimum, maximum, and exact size constraints. - Added aspect ratio setting. - Added support for automatically stripping EXIF data. - Added automatic orientation detection of images based on EXIF data. - Added support for using File Upload Pro in Custom Field fields that are set to "File Upload" field type. - Added notice below "Enable Multi-File Upload" field setting if File Upload Pro is enabled for the current field. - Improved flow of enabling File Upload Pro for File Upload fields. When enabling File Upload Pro on a given field, "Enable Multi-File Upload" will automatically be checked. Enabling File Upload Pro on Single-file Upload files with existing entries will offer the option to upgrade the field to a Multi-File upload. - Improved styling consistency in themes. - Added "gpfup--strict" for enabling aggressive styling of troublesome elements. - Added border radius on image preview when circle stencil was used to match the stencil. - Fixed issue where image previews could be lost after submission when there's a validation error. - Added support for rendering images in Gravity PDF uploaded in a field using File Upload Pro. - Added [gpfup_image_loader_options](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_image_loader_options/) and [gpfup_cropper_options](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpfup_cropper_options/) JS filters. - Improved styling of cropper by adding grid lines to the crop area. - Fixed issue where drag handle displayed incorrectly in Gravity Forms 2.4. - Added validation for minimum constraints. Images that don't meet the constraints will not be uploaded. - Improved handling of z-index of cropper by appending cropper near the closing tag. - Fixed issue where the cropper UI with forced cropping enabled could get into a bad state if uploading more files than the max files setting allows for. ## 1.0-beta-1.10 - Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce GF Product Add-on. ## 1.0-beta-1.9 - Fixed issue where pressing the enter key in certain fields would open up the file browser. - Improved field settings by conditionally showing/hiding settings such as Cropping Required if Cropping is not enabled. - Fixed issue where the cropper could potentially open up with the incorrect dimensions/coordinates after other images have been cropped. - Improved how images are passed into Plupload when dragging-and-dropping onto the droparea. - Added option to require that images are cropped prior to upload. - Fixed issue where cropping would be unreliable if there were more than one enhanced File Upload field on a page. ## 1.0-beta-1.8 - Fixed a compatibility issue with WordPress 5.7. ## 1.0-beta-1.7 - Fixed issue where File Upload Pro could inadvertently bind multiple times on the frontend. ## 1.0-beta-1.6 - Fixed compatibility issue with Nested Forms where the file list would not be reset when editing entries or adding new entries. ## 1.0-beta-1.5 - Added helper classes to assist in styling when max is reached or an u… (#5) ## 1.0-beta-1.4 - Fixed issue where File Upload Pro would try to initialize the frontend prior to Plupload being ready. ## 1.0-beta-1.3 - Improved compatibility with GP Nested Forms. - Fixed issue with scrolling potentially not being possible after adding files. Additionally, fixed an issue with the core Gravity Forms file list not being removed under the GPFUP area. - Fixed potential JavaScript warnings/errors on initial load. ## 1.0-beta-1.2 - Fixed issue where File Upload Pro would be initialized multiple times particularly when using Popup Maker. ## 1.0-beta-1.1 - Fixed issue where multiple forms using File Upload Pro on the same page would result in only the first form having enhanced upload fields. ## 1.0-beta-1 - Updated style of error icon in images-only mode. - Fixed issue where erred files would double up in some cases. - Improved how the image preview placeholder sizing is handled on rehydration. - Improved reliability of file sorting and consistency with the file sort order after submission. - Fixed issue where cropper editor would not open in some cases after page load. - Fixed issue where file orders would not remain the same between page loads. - Fixed issue where the original image would be lost when cropping on subsequent page loads. - Fixed issue where cropper would not work if validation is failed and cropper was not used right after initial upload. - Added support for rehydrating the uploader in various situations such as when validation fails and the page refreshes, non-AJAX multi-page navigation, and more. - Updated ErroredFileOrderCept.php to include nth locators. - Added two new tests for rendering. - Fixed issue where cropping coordinates would not be restored in the cropper when working with images using the same filename. - Fixed issue where deleting a file before submission would not prevent the file from being submitted. - Fixed issue where deleting files wouldn't work reliably with IE11. - Fixed regression with droparea flickering depending on how quickly you drag in the file(s). ## 1.0-alpha-3.1 - Fixed styling issue in some themes where droparea would be resized when dragging a file over it hid the Select Files button. - Added slight debounce to files watcher to eliminate flash of files that goes beyond the max. ## 1.0-alpha-2.1 - Fixed issue where more files than the max could be dropped onto the droparea. - Updated setting label and added text domain to translatable strings. - Added test scaffold. - Added transition for when files are added/removed. - Fixed issue where cropping more than once would cause re-ordering. - Added class to uploader container if only image extensions are allowed. - Added transition to cropper show/hide. - Added spinner when images are loading on slow connections. - Updated progress bar styling. - Removed font-size from Select Files button to better inherit from theme. - Updated error color to match GF default. - Removed max-width; will provide feedback for users wanting to implement this in their themes. - Improved file preview UX. - Improved loading UX by more smoothly transitioning the appearance and removal of the progress bar. - Fixed issue where cropping would change the file order. - Fixed issue where canceling a crop would remove the file. - Fixed issue where loading bar would start fading out during the width transition. - Fixed box width of file info to ensure consistent sizing of loading bar - Added maximum width to GPFUP container of 650px. It can be overridden by targeting the .gpfup class. - Fixed issue where erred files would show up at the bottom of the uploader rather than mixed in with uploaded files. - Added minimum display time to loading indicator. - Fixed issue where root Vuex store was being shared across GPFUP fields on the same page. - Fixed issue where backend upload errors weren't being passed back to the frontend. - Fixed issue where dragleave would fire when hovering over children elements in the drop area. - Fixed issue where image previews were trying to be created for non-image files which would result in a broken preview instead of a file type icon. - Fixed issue where non-image placeholder was shown even when the non-image file was not uploaded successfully. - Added ellipsis for text overflowing from container. - Updated "select files" button to default to theme (or browser) styles. - Added ability to cancel new uploads in cropper - Added max file, max size, and extension validation to the UI. - Added toggle for explicitly setting whether or not cropping is enabled. - Fixed issue where editing an image would result in multiple uploads - Added workflow for profiling prod build - Added blob-util - Added basic style and moved droparea into its own component - Added field setting - Added README.md ## 1.0-alpha-2.0 - Basic functionality implemented ## 1.0-alpha-1.0 - Hello World!