=== BuddyBoss Platform === Contributors: buddyboss Requires at least: 4.9.1 Tested up to: 6.2.2 Requires PHP: 5.6.20 Stable tag: 2.3.60 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html BuddyBoss Platform helps site builders & developers add community features to their websites, with user profiles, activity feeds, and more! = Documentation = - [Tutorials](https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/docs/) - [Code Reference](https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/reference/) - [Github](https://github.com/buddyboss/buddyboss-platform/wiki) - [Roadmap](https://www.buddyboss.com/roadmap/) == Requirements == To run BuddyBoss Platform, we recommend your host supports: * PHP version 7.2 or greater. * MySQL version 5.6 or greater, or, MariaDB version 10.0 or greater. * HTTPS support. == Installation == 1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New' 2. Click 'Upload Plugin' 3. Upload the file 'buddyboss-platform-plugin.zip' 4. Activate 'BuddyBoss Platform' from your Plugins page. == Setup == 1. Visit 'BuddyBoss > Components' and adjust the active components to match your community. (You can always toggle these later.) 2. Visit 'BuddyBoss > Pages' and setup your directories and registration pages. We create a few automatically, but suggest you customize these to fit the flow and verbiage of your site. 3. Visit 'BuddyBoss > Settings' and take a moment to match BuddyBoss Platform's settings to your expectations. We pick the most common configuration by default, but every community is different. 4. Visit 'BuddyBoss > Help' for tutorials on further configuration. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I use my existing WordPress theme? = Yes! BuddyBoss Platform works out-of-the-box with most generic WordPress themes. = Will this work on WordPress multisite? = Yes! If your WordPress installation has multisite enabled, BuddyBoss Platform will support the global tracking of blogs, posts, comments, and even custom post types with a little bit of custom code. Furthermore, BuddyBoss Platform can be activated and operate in just about any scope you need for it to: * Activate at the site level to only load BuddyBoss Platform on that site. * Activate at the network level for full integration with all sites in your network. (This is the most common multisite installation type.) * Enable multiblog mode to allow your BuddyBoss Platform content to be displayed on any site in your WordPress Multisite network, using the same central data. * Extend BuddyBoss Platform with a third-party multi-network plugin to allow each site or network to have an isolated and dedicated community, all from the same WordPress installation. == Changelog == = 2.3.60 = * Notifications - Optimized the performance of the default notification preference workflow for members * Groups - Addressed the member count issue in groups when one of the members is suspended * Forums - Introduced link preview support for Forums discussions and replies * Forums - Resolved the issue where the shortcode for hidden group discussions would throw permission errors for group members * Forums - Fixed the issue with the discussion reply 'post' button not being enabled in the responsive view on Android * Forums - Resolved the layout issue with the 'Recent Replies' widget when using third-party Themes * Forums - Fixed the layout issue with discussion replies pagination when the page number is out of range * Activity - Handled the issue where the 'post' button was not accessible in the responsive view when the post content is significant * Media - Updated the media database table schema by adding indexing * Media - Addressed a UI issue with the search form in the documents sub-folder screen * Messages - Enhanced the upload and send media workflow performance in private messages. This improvement optimizes the way media data is stored and deleted, resulting in a faster and smoother messaging experience * Moderation - Resolved the issue of suspended member group activity single screen throwing a 404 error * Network Search - Refactored the code to allow for easy extension of the feature * Core - Provided an option to retain link previews and embeds even after deleting the associated links in activity, forum discussions, and replies * Core - Improved the user experience by displaying a loading icon when a search form is submitted or reset * Core - Improved the user experience of the GIPHY option in the dashboard by hiding sensitive text. Users can now toggle the visibility of sensitive content with an eye icon * Core - Handled a critical issue with the Presence PHP file, ensuring correct detection of active and inactive member status even on non-English language sites * Core - Handled a critical conflict with the 'BuddyBoss App' plugin build screen * REST API - Added API support for link previews in forums discussions and replies * REST API - Updated API support to align with the messages media workflow improvement * REST API - Handled the issue where the photos and videos reply option was disabled in the API * Learndash - Addressed the issue with social group members roles when sync is enabled for the Learndash group and social group = 2.3.50 = * Profiles - Addressed the issue where the password updated email was triggered when the account email is updated in the profile * Profiles - Resolved the incorrect last active stats issue on Members and profile pages * Notifications - Introduced new notification type to trigger when members create a reply to a blog post comment * Notifications - Improved the business logic for notification preferences, now loading from admin default if not updated * Notifications - Improved to send @mention email for blog post comments * Groups - Resolved the hidden group not showing issue for WP CLI commands * Groups - Resolved the activity not getting created issue for WP CLI commands * Groups - Handled the forum option not showing issue while creating a group when the forums slug is updated * Forums - Handled create discussion UX issue when selecting auto-generated tags * Activity - Improved the @mention dropdown by providing load more pagination * Activity - Fixed the multiple @mention option not working issue * Activity - Resolved the post form GIF search option UX issue * Media - Resolved the video thumbnail issue for videos with portrait orientation or a small-sized * Media - Fixed the documents search not working issue when the document is in the folder * Media - Addressed the media modal issue that was not showing the option to like and comment * Messages - Fixed the duplicate text issue when copy-pasting in the send message editor * Moderation - Improved the logic for handling suspended and blocked members content in Social groups, Network Search, Forums, Activity, and Widgets * Moderation - Handled the report member option UX issue, preventing multiple reports * Moderation - Addressed a minor accessibility issue with the 'report group' option * Network Search - Addressed the incorrect count issue when modifying search results using a hook * Core - Improvement by loading minified JS and CSS for third-party libraries * Core - Fixed the 'Repair user nicknames' tool that was not working as expected * REST API - Provided API support for social groups, activity, and forums moderation related updates * REST API - Handled the Forum discussion images URL issue in the API * REST API - Addressed the selected profile type not returning issue in the users endpoint * REST API - Resolved the join group action not working issue in the API for private and hidden groups when auto-approval is enabled * REST API - Fixed the read more option not working issue in the API for activity when it contains a link = 2.3.42 = * Registration - Resolved invited users can't register issue when registration option is disabled for non-members = 2.3.41 = * Profiles - Improved members profile link by reducing the length auto-generated unique identifier = 2.3.4 = * Profiles - Resolved formatting issues with paragraph type fields in profile fields * Groups - Handled incorrect group count issue on the directory screen when the sub-groups option is enabled * Forums - Enhanced performance of forum discussion favorites by restructuring their data * Forums - Resolved performance issues with discussions having a large number of replies through efficient pagination * Forums - Fixed a database error that occurred when updating a forum reply with attached media * Forums - Introduced a new parameter for the [bbp-reply-form] shortcode to pass the discussion ID * Forums - Fixed the issue where an auto-generated discussion would have preceding empty space * Activity - Fixed the problem with the discard draft option in the activity form * Activity - Handled the issue with auto-generated activity for comments links on custom post types not being clickable * Activity - Addressed the formatting issue where highlighted text did not maintain proper formatting when a link was applied * Media - Addressed the issue where the 'move photos' option was not functioning as expected * Media - Provided hooks to modify privacy options for media files * Registration - Enhanced invite flow to prevent multiple registrations using the same email invite * Core - Updated performance API MU plugin file name for improved consistency * Core - Improved code to load templates with block themes * REST API - Resolved the problem where the profile avatar was not returning in the notification endpoint * REST API - Fixed the issue where the group privacy option was being removed when updated using the group settings endpoint = 2.3.3 = * Profiles - Resolved critical issue of duplicate unique identifiers * Profiles - Handled 'Social Network' field with multiple types shows random modal issue when redirected to the profile * Notifications - Handled small notification read/unread issue when newly registered members login for the first time * Forums - Handled forum discussion uploaded text file preview issue * Forums - Handled forum discussion and reply tags suggestions dropdown layout issue * Forums - Handled create discussion and reply formatting issues when an option is disabled from the settings * Forums - Handled broken layout on the single forum reply screen * Activity - Handled activity comment form, post button disabled issue when specific steps followed * Messages - Handled message screen and dropdown 'sent a video' label inconsistency * Emails - Resolved UI issue in group and blog post emails when view group/post button labels were translated to non-English languages * Core - Improved the search form across the network by adding an option to clear the search field * Core - Provided hooks to update activities pagination and number of entries to process in the background process * Core - Handled messages and notification dropdown specific performance issues by refactoring code * REST API - Handled profile fields endpoint returns HTML entity name for special characters * REST API - Handled group settings endpoint permission issue for the group organizer = 2.3.2 = * Profiles - Handled non-selectable profile types not showing issue in Edit Profile even when configured from the admin dashboard * Profiles - Handled profile types field validation issue for administrator and editor role members * Profiles - Small improvement for the 'add user' action in the admin dashboard by assigning a selected role instead of the default profile type role configured * Profiles - Handled small performance issue for member search action with the help of cache * Groups - Handled delete activity post permission issue in the social group for the group organizer * Forums - Handled forums search not working issue when search by 'discussion tag' option enabled in network search * Forums - Handled quick reply form formatting option not working issue on forum discussion auto-generated activity * Activity - Handled empty markup getting added issue when editing activity post with @mention * Media - Small improvements to media link by removing trailing slash when symlink is disabled * Media - Handled uploaded video default thumbnail issue in Safari browser * Messages - Handled error notice on messages screen when visiting triggered push notification * Emails - Handled email template layout issue for the iOS email app * Moderation - Handled newly registered member display name shows as 'Unknown Member' when moderation component is enabled * Network Search - Handled network search page results content showing shortcode issue * Registration - Handled register page validation issue when paragraph and profile type fields were added together * Login - Handled small typo issue when only the 'Terms of Service' page is configured * Core - Small performance and security improvement by updating a bunch of JS libraries = = * Forums - Handled forum discussion and reply form disabled post button cache issue = = * Profiles - Small icon fix for 'Profile Links' option in the dashboard = 2.3.1 = * Profiles - Provided the option to replace usernames with unique IDs to secure member profile URLs * Profiles - Handled profile field instructions small formatting issue * Profiles - Handled profile search issue with profile fields configured as 'only me' privacy * Profiles - Handled members count formatting issues across the network as well as APIs * Groups - Handled group message with unsupported media format, error message not closing issue * Groups - Handled group documents pagination issue * Activity - Handled activity posts liked members tooltip formatting issue * Media - Handled media modal 'Download' button UI issue when 'BuddyBoss Theme' is not active * Messages - Small improvement for shared socket connection update for multiple browser tabs using Pusher * Messages - Handled selected member in compose message is not appearing when the mention name is updated and a message is composed of the profile * Messages - Handled video embed not showing properly in messages * Connections - Provided option to auto-follow when members connect * Moderation - Handled critical issues in the settings API when all moderation options are disabled * Core - Improved and optimized presence API performance for online/offline status using MU Plugin and independent PHP file * Core - Small improvement for Activity, Activity comment, media description, forums discussion, and reply form by not allowing to submit when no text or media uploaded * Coding Standards - Small code refactoring to fix PHP warnings for non-logged-in users * Events Calendar Pro - Handled events page not working conflict when private site enabled * REST API - Handled incorrect replies order in the profile issue in the API * REST API - Handled group types in a non-English language not returning in the API * REST API - Handled update sub-group privacy using API removes parent group settings * REST API - Handled invited organizer returns in the API before accepting the request = 2.3.0 = * Profiles - Handled a small UX issue in the profile fields screen in the dashboard * Notifications - Small improvements to not trigger multiple notifications for forum discussion and reply when members are mentioned * Groups - Handled group header description alignment UI issues * Groups - Handled groups directory and single group SEO title and description not rendering issue * Forums - Handled forum discussions and replies uploaded image sequence issue * Forums - Handled forum discussion and replies pagination not working issue on other members profiles for logged-in member * Forums - Handled search forum critical issue when the network search component is disabled * Forums - Handled social group associated forum and its child forums visibility issue based on group privacy * Forums - Handled missing fields in the replies tab when a logged-in member is viewing other members profile * Forums - Handled 'XenForo' import not working issue * Activity - Provided option to show relevant activities in the 'Latest Activities' widget * Messages - Handled send message editor formatting toolbar layout issue when the media component is disabled * Messages - Handled UI issue when a new thread is created from the messages screen * Core - Small performance update for non-logged-in users * Core - Small improvements for selected page/tab class logic * Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons * Coding Standards - Significant code refactoring to fix PHP 8 warnings and notices * Coding Standards - Significant code refactoring to fix PHP 8.2 deprecation errors, warnings, and notices * REST API - Code refactoring to fix PHP 8 and 8.2 warnings and notices in the API * REST API - Handled profile type endpoint text format issue when it has special characters * REST API - Handled forum replies endpoint not returning excerpt issue in the response * Learndash - Handled social group privacy settings getting updated issue when the 'LearnDash Group Sync' option is enabled and the learndash group is updated * Learndash - Handled URL query var not working issue on lesson and topic screen when 'Nested URLs' option is enabled * Compatibility - Handled Jetpack plugin widget visibility option not showing conflict = = * Notifications - Handled repeated email notification issues by removing duplicate forum subscription entries * Notifications - Handled triggering notification when an activity post is updated in a social group * Notifications - Handled notification broken template issue when media uploaded in a social group * Notifications - Handled 'subscriptions' page 404 conflict with the 'WooCommerce Subscriptions' plugin * Notifications - Handled defaults disabled issue for force enabled notifications types = 2.2.9 = * Profiles - Handled incorrect connection count shows in profile when any connected member is suspended * Groups - Handled group description small formatting issue on render * Groups - Handled update group details notification not working as expected * Groups - Handled critical issues when updating groups from the dashboard and the forums component is disabled * Forums - Handled forum discussion and reply tags field dropdown not working as expected * Forums - Handled new discussion form validation UI issue on submit * Forums - Handled discussion tags not showing issues in a group forum when it has an image * Forums - Handled 'Recent Discussions' widget small floating content UI issue * Forums - Handled reply editor lagging issue while typing at normal speed * Forums - Handled discussion email notification for subscribed members, the link doesn't take to the discussion on login * Emails - Handled group email notification template UI issue in the responsive view * Moderation - Improved the suspended and blocked members content logic in the messaging module * Network Search - Handled course layout issue in the search results by handling excerpt formatting * Network Search - Handled search blog post by tag not working issue * Network Search - Handled activity posts and comments in private/hidden groups not showing for group members * Network Search - Handled non-members can search hidden group associated forums * Core - Small code refactoring to pull and render the Icon Pack * Core - Small improvement to allow translation for all icon names from the Icon Pack * Core - Small improvement to not show specific options in the dashboard when relevant modules are disabled * Coding Standards - Small code refactoring to fix PHP 8 warnings and notices * REST API - Handled activity feed endpoint missing timeline filters in the API * REST API - Handled group description small formatting issue in the API * REST API - Handled courses related strings translation not working issue * REST API - Small API updates for the latest moderation changes in the messaging module * REST API - Handled learndash disable comment option not working issue in the API for relevant activity posts * REST API - Handled profile types endpoint menu order not working issue in the API * REST API - Handled profile types visibility settings not working issue in the API * REST API - Handled group details endpoint critical issue in the API * Learndash - Handled password rest link not working issue when member registered purchasing the course as a guest using Paypal * Compatibility - Handled news feed page restriction not working issue = 2.2.8 = * Notifications - Provided option to subscribe to group notifications from a single group screen * Notifications - Provided new notification types to trigger when members create new activity or discussion in a group * Core - Handled migration for new subscription workflow for groups and associated forums * REST API - Provided API support for new subscription workflow for groups = = * Network Search - Handled network search not working critical issue for database table with custom prefix = 2.2.7 = * Notifications - Improved members active/inactive presence logic for Push Notifications * Activity - Handled activity post with exact 4 media fails to follow right sequence order selected * Login - Handled 'Terms of Service' and 'Privacy Policy' inline JS not working issue * Messages - Improved group thread join/left notices for their members * Emails - Handled private messages email template reply button label layout issue when a translated string is long * Moderation - Improved the suspended and blocked members @mention logic in the network * Moderation - Improved the suspended and blocked members notifications logic for both new and existing * Moderation - Handled activity feed comment notification, redirection URL not working issue * Network Search - Handled search results improvements to not show groups, forums, discussions, replies, and photos if not accessible * Core - Handled active/inactive member presence logic returning console error issue in the background * Core - Handled small formatting issue in the editor for multiple new lines * Core - Handled translation issue for dropzone uploader across the network * Core - Provided medium editor placeholder texts available to be translatable * REST API - Improved the suspended and blocked members notification logic in the API * REST API - Small improvement for members presence active/inactive logic for push notifications in the API * REST API - Handled deleted and suspended members names to show 'Unknown Member' across the network in the API * REST API - Provided join/left group thread notices small update API support * REST API - Provided API support for improved moderation @mention logic * REST API - Handled profile field and Album name with '&' character shows HTML entity in the API response * REST API - Handled profile search not working issue with the '&' character in the API * REST API - Handled photos order issue when description updated with the endpoint * REST API - Small improvement in the API to fetch group specific files using the documents endpoint * Elementor - Handled 'BB Forum Search form' widget alignment and UI issues on the RTL language site = = * Learndash - Handled update group critical issue for php version < 8.0 = 2.2.6 = * Profiles - Improved profile and account settings UI and layout in the responsive view * Profiles - Handled a small UX issue by not allowing multiple selections for Profile and Cover photo upload * Notifications - Handled 'posts from members following' email template unsubscribe link issue * Groups - Handled group types dropdown doesn't consider the 'dropdown order' issue * Forums - Improved subscription workflow for forums and discussion by providing a dedicated screen under notification preferences * Activity - Handled activity with just media getting deleted issue on multiple edits * Activity - Handled activity form gets submitted issue on selecting formatting options in the responsive view * Activity - Small performance code refactoring for activity action buttons * Activity - Handled single activity small layout issue with media in responsive view * Messages - Improved send message UX in the messages sidebar when Pusher is enabled * Messages - Improved UX to show archived message screen * Moderation - Improved the suspended and blocked members media access logic specific to groups * Network Search - Handled search results page pagination issue when per page count updated using hook * REST API - Provided support for new subscription workflow for forums and discussions * REST API - Handled activity with media getting deleted on multiple edits in the API = 2.2.5 = * Notifications - Provided new notification type to trigger when members on the network follow other members * Profiles - Handled duplicate profile fieldset issue when updated from the dashboard * Profiles - Handled fieldset saving empty fields and not getting deleted issues * Forums - Handled 'Recent Replies' widget layout and alignment issue * Forums - Handled edit reply option not working critical issue * Forums - Handled auto-generated activity for discussion issues when comments were added from the dashboard * Forums - Handled auto-generated activity for discussion backslash not showing issue when it exists * Forums - Handled forum widget 'Parent forum ID' not working issue * Private Network - Handled private website 'Public Website Content' not working as expected * Media - Handled upload photos modal in album, 'select photos' load more not working issue * Media - Handled media upload textarea not showing issue when forum component is disabled * Messages - Small improvements to show restrict icon for members not allowed to send a message based on access control rules * Messages - Handled exact time not showing issue next to the avatar in a single message thread * Messages - Handled compose message search recipient small UX issue * Messages - Handled 'blockquote' formatting UX issue on message send action * Moderation - Improved the suspended and blocked members comments content logic on blog posts and comments widget * Moderation - Small performance improvement by removing multiple moderation queries * Network Search - Handled search performance issues for posts in a big network * Network Search - Handled forum replies issue in search results not linking to the main content * Core - Handled emoji picker modal layout issue in the responsive view * Core - Handled plugin editor not working issue in the dashboard * Coding Standards - Small code refactoring to handle template issues with third-party themes * REST API - Provided API support for improved suspended and blocked members blog comments content logic = 2.2.4 = * Activity - Handled activity form not showing issue when media options are disabled * Profiles - Handled profile completion widget count UI issue for the RTL language site * Profiles - Small improvement to not show unsupported files when uploading profile and cover photo * Profiles - Handled the activity feed edit not working issue in the profile > groups tab * Profiles - Handled warning and notices issues when gravatar is enabled and profile updated * Groups - Handled group member count issue in the dashboard when members get deleted from the network * Forums - Small improvements to show pagination for sub-forums on a single forum screen * Forums - Handled forum discussion and reply attached documents getting deleted issue after edit * Forums - Handled invalid links issue for Forum discussion and replies post author in the profile * Media - Small improvements to giphy picker UI and layout * Media - Handled video thumbnail not showing issue * Media - Handled move document action not working issue when group component is disabled * Media - Handled small translation issue for group status on the documents directory screen * Messages - Handled join/leave group marks the group message thread unread for all group members * Messages - Small improvements to show the loading icon on performing any action on the thread from the messages sidebar * Messages - Small formatting improvements for the last message in the messages sidebar and header dropdown * Messages - Handled small layout issue when the site URL was posted in the message * Messages - Small improvement for external links to open in a new tab * Email Invites - Small improvement to allow all invites by email id in the dashboard * Moderation - Improved the 'block member' logic for member's profile and directory screen * Network Search - Handled search forum discussions by tag not working issue in the search results screen * Core - Small improvements for logged-in member's online/offline status * LearnDash - Small code refactoring to fix warnings and notices on group courses screen * Compatibility - Handled email conflict issue with the 'Instructor Role for LearnDash' plugin = 2.2.3 = * Notifications - Provided new notification type for new activity posts by someone member is following = 2.2.2 = * Activity - Handled draft activity UI issue in the responsive view * Groups - Handled invalid notice shows in frontend when group updated from the dashboard * Forums - Handled discussion tags option in the dashboard not showing compatibility issue with the 'BuddyBoss App' plugin * Forums - Handled forum listing with image and big description UI issue in the dashboard * Forums - Handled discussion spam option removes document critical issue * Media - Handled add video form small draft content issue * Messages - Handled the 'Return to send' message issue by removing the option for mobile devices * Messages - Handled newline option not working issue after photo selected in the editor * Messages - Handled performance issues on a big network when creating a thread for multiple recipients * Messages - Handled 'send message' action from members directory UX issue in the responsive view * Core - Handled 'BuddyBoss' string translation critical issue in the Dashboard theme options screen from 'BuddyBoss Theme' * Core - Handled medium editor duplicate text issue for android devices across the network * REST API - Handled send individual message endpoint in group API issues = 2.2.1 = * Activity - Handled forum reply auto-generated activity minor formatting issue * Activity - Handled @mention name not updating issue when edited from the dashboard * Activity - Handled minor translation issue for string 'comment' * Profiles - Handled display name format issue in member profile screen title * Groups - Handled group not working issue for non-English language slug * Groups - Handled single group minor tooltip UI issue when the cover image is disabled * Forums - Small improvement to show descriptions on a single forum screen * Forums - Handled Forums widget not showing child forums correctly when parent forum id specified * Forums - Handled hidden forums associated with the group not showing for group members * Media - Handled uploaded document text file with the incorrect content issue * Messages - Handled Group thread join/left invalid notice when members are blocked * Moderation - Handled blocked member notifications doesn't show issue for all members on the network * Core - Small code refactoring to fix PHP warnings and notices while saving pages in the dashboard * REST API - Handled group photo description endpoint issue returns HTML entity for special characters * Compatibility - Handled 'Gravity Form - User Registration' add-on activation email conflict = 2.2 = * Notifications - Improved Web Push Notification support based on members active status * Core - Improved online status for members throughout the network * REST API - Provided Pusher Integration API support from BuddyBoss Platform Pro * REST API - Provided online status updates support in the API = = * Messages - Handled messages table name prefix = = * Messages - Handled SQL queries performance critical issue = 2.1.7 = * Activity - Handled edit activity with documents not working as expected * Activity - Handled auto-generated forum discussion, quick reply giphy option not working issue * Activity - Handled post activity to a specific group issue even when not allowed * Profiles - Handled a small UI issue for the repeater fieldset in the profile edit screen * Media - Handled video doesn't show seek forward/backward option issue in the modal * Media - Handled media upload not working issue in group messages when option disabled for private messages only * Tools - Handled 'clear default data' critical issue when the forums component is disabled * Updater - Improvements to updater logic and performance * REST API - Handled post activity to a specific group endpoint permission issue * Compatibility - Handled group zoom meeting date & time picker broken UI conflict with TutorLMS plugin = = * REST API - Handled discussion reply endpoint not working critical issue = = * Messages - Handled compose message action critical issue on network with a lot of concurrent members = 2.1.6 = * Activity - Handled group description update auto-generated activity content overflow UI issue * Activity - Handled activity post word break formatting issue for list style text format * Activity - Handled group type 'hidden' auto-generated forum discussion activity, quick reply not working issue * Activity - Handled registration pages getting self-assigned issue when the activity setting is changed in the dashboard * Profiles - Handled Profile completion progress doesn't update issue when member updates profile type * Profiles - Small update in profile types settings in the dashboard renaming 'Post Attributes' to 'Dropdown Order' * Profiles - Handled 'gender' field 'is on of' specific search mode not working issue * Groups - Handled send group message upload photos option not working consistently * Groups - Handled group header elements option not working correctly when group cover image is disabled * Media - Handled media upload spacing UI issue in the profile * Media - Handled media 301 error before rendering when symlink disabled * Media - Handled media description multi-line text not working issue * Messages - Handled copy paste link from the web displays unwanted markup issue * Updater - Small code refactoring for the 'Release Notes' modal * Core - Handled slug option not showing issue for posts quick edit in the dashboard * REST API - Small notification endpoint improvement for legacy support * REST API - Small performance improvement to not send 'embed' additional information for media endpoint * Events Calendar Pro - Handled plugin conflict with tooltip UI in forum discussion and reply = = * Notifications - Removed 'Notification Preferences' from labs to enable notification updates for all = 2.1.5 = * Messages - Handled small time formatting issue * REST API - Provided API support for updated messages UI/UX * REST API - Provided caching support for the API updates = = * Moderation - Handled critical issue when Forum component disabled = 2.1.4 = * Messages - Improved UI/UX for the Private Messaging screen significantly * Messages - Provided option to mark conversation archive/unarchive by refactoring hide conversation flow * Messages - Improved single message thread by splitting conversations by date * Messages - Provided email digest option for messages with the option to delay * Messages - Improved the experience of joining/leaving a group for a group messages thread * Messages - Improved UI/UX for message dropdown in the header * Moderation - Small improvement for blocked and suspended members names and avatars = 2.1.3 = * Media - Improved media uploading layout and styling * Activity - Handled post privacy update UX issues * Activity - Handled follower widget not showing accurate members count issue * Connections - Handled connection request not working issue without 'BuddyBoss Theme' * Moderation - Handled member showing as blocked issue when the member is reported and blocked by other members * Moderation - Handled reported content screen 'Unhide' action deletes entries for the content * Core - Handled a bunch of alignment and styling issues for the RTL language site * Core - Handled core pages not working in conflict with WordPress themes * Core - Small improvements for toast messages * Core - Handled emails not showing RTL content for the RTL language site * REST API - Handled blog post comments endpoint caching issue * REST API - Handled create group endpoint default group privacy issue * WooCommerce - Handled 'WooCommerce Memberships' conflict unable to restrict core videos page * Compatibility - Handled 'Query Monitor' UI compatibility issue on the Email customizer screen = 2.1.2 = * Activity - Handled empty activity post issue when group description updated for the first time * Activity - Handled create post media upload issue when member switches post visibility from public to group * Profiles - Handled message member action issue that does not take to the relevant thread when username contains a dot character * Groups - Handled parent group label tooltip UI issue on single group screen header * Forums - Handled forums shortcodes medium editor toolbar styling issues * Media - Improved handling of GIPHY API keys in the dashboard * Media - Small GIPHY styling improvements in the frontend * Messages - Handled send message action triggers wrong notification type issue * Messages - Handled member name showing special character issue in the new message screen * Emails - Handled email invites template formatting issues when it contains a single quote * Moderation - Handled block member action not working issue when Activity component disabled * Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons * Elementor - Handled view saved template not working conflict when BuddyBoss pages configured as homepage * Elementor - Handled activity block UI issue for video modal download button * Compatibility - Handled Affiliate WP compatibility issues = = * Core - Handled updater critical issue by reverting the latest refactored code = 2.1.1 = * Moderation - Provided members option to report other members * Moderation - Improvements to the moderation module settings, categories, and reports in the Dashboard * Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons * REST API - Provided 'Report member' option API support * REST API - Handled blogs 'Report comment' endpoint issue in the API = 2.1.0 = * Forums - Handled forum discussion and reply right click and paste action issue, adds duplicate copies from the clipboard * Activity - Handled activity comment not showing attachment issue when read more is clicked * Activity - Handled broken preview issue when adding a new line with the link * Activity - Handled preview issues for URL shortener sites * Profiles - Handled course tab not working issue for non-English language slug * Profiles - Handled profile type and social link profile fields value not showing issue in the profile * Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons * Core - Code refactoring by using transients to optimize the check updates logic for the plugin * REST API - Handled invalid API response for report content categories with special characters * Elementor - Handled view template not taking to the right page issue * WPML - Handled a bunch of languages compatibility issues = 2.0.9 = * Notifications - Handled notification content backslash issue for specific special characters * Notifications - Handled notification count issue after marking notifications read * Profiles - Handled profile completion widget, profile photo status logic with gravatar * Emails - Handled new member confirmation email not working issue in multisite * Emails - Handled password change email notification not working issue when updated in the admin dashboard * Core - Small improvement in @mention logic when searching for members with a common username and first name * Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons * REST API - Handled group organizer permission issue in the API for performing actions on discussion replies in forums * REST API - Handled group members endpoint missing 'Block' status issue in the API * LearnDash - Handled LearnDash shortcode [ld_registration] registration conflict = 2.0.8 = * Notifications - Handled save notification preferences issue in multi-site * Forums - Small improvement to allow creating tags with space at the time of adding discussion * Forums - Small improvement by providing filter hook to change discussion dropdown format when moving reply to a specific discussion * Activity - Improved link preview and embeds layout and styling * Activity - Handled embed preview issue for forum discussion auto-generated activity * Media - Handled group video not playing issue when members are not allowed to upload * Core - Small improvements to plugin updates logic by reducing the number of requests to check updates * Core - Handled draft issue for activity, forum discussion, and replies when uploaded media removed * Coding Standards - Small code refactoring to fix PHP 8 warnings and notices * REST API - Handled media symlink issue in the API when uploaded from the App * REST API - Handled auto-generated forum discussion activity embed iframe issue = 2.0.7 = * Notifications - Handled Activity comment auto-generated notification incorrect text issue * Forums - Handled small Forums widget issue shows wrong discussion count * Activity - Handled activity comment @mention issue gets converted into HTML markup on post * Media - Handled document upload double extension issue on document directory screen * Media - Handled symlink option gets enabled issue when activity settings updated * Media - Small improvement to fix console JS error when video popup is closed * Messages - Handled private messages right click and paste action issue, adds duplicate copies from the clipboard * Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons * REST API - Handled get activity videos API endpoint issue * Compatibility - Handled 'GeoDirectory' broken listing layout compatibility issue = 2.0.6 = * Forums - Handled forum reply notification wrong pagination URL issue * Activity - Handled activity modal @mention RTL language support issue * Profiles - Handled other member's profile sub-tabs taking to logged-in members profile tabs issue * Profiles - Handled activate account issue when registration is disabled * Profiles - Small improvement to show 'See all' for the 'Recently Active Members' widget * Groups - Handled HTML tags not working issue for group description * Groups - Handled Group videos not showing issues for non-logged-in members * Groups - Handled 'Enable Album in groups' option not working issue * Media - Handled issue for moving photos into album action and not creating separate activity * Media - Handled upload/delete photos action not updating count issue in profile and directory page * Media - Handled edit privacy dropdown issue on documents directory screen * Messages - Handled messages thread UI issue when switching between multiple threads quickly * Network Search - Handled search results not showing issue even when search string exists in repeater fieldsets value * Network Search - Handled search results pagination issue for blog posts and pages * Core - Updated styling for toolbars and pickers across all content types editor * Core - Handled a bunch of styling issues for Theme 2.0 updates * Core - Small improvement to not close modal on discard draft for Activity, Forum discussion, and Forum replies * REST API - Handled member connections cache purge not working issue * REST API - Small notification endpoint improvement to redirect to specific reply considering pagination * REST API - Handled wrong API response for discussion replies when discussion created in the admin dashboard * REST API - Handled members endpoint critical issue when activity component is not active * LearnDash - Handled js conflict on edit course screen when there are a huge number of members in the network * LearnDash - Handled Learndash Group slug update issue on plugin activation * WPML - Handled Social Groups tabs not working issue when switched to a different language = 2.0.5 = * Groups - Handled Group Parent settings removed issue when member deleted from the parent group * Groups - Handled Group permission issue allowing members with no access to post activity * Forums - Handled forum [bbp-search] shortcode not showing issue * Forums - Handled Forum discussion tags getting deleted issue on reply update * Activity - Handled Activity form text color issue when @mention added and removed * Activity - Small improvement to show user-friendly validation message from dropzone uploader * Activity - Small improvement to restrict media upload for post types auto-generated activity * Activity - Handled post types auto-generated activity long comment read more issue * Media - Handled symlink not working issue on private page excluded URL for non-logged-in member * Media - Handled media upload not showing thumbnail issue for media size more than 10MB * Media - Handled media popup layout issue for a specific set of device sizes * Messages - Handled iPhone device message thread UX issue * Network Search - Provided support to search members by email id * Core - Handled a bunch of important styling issues for Theme 2.0 updates * Core - Small layout improvement for popup in the admin Dashboard * Core - Icon Pack updated with latest icons * Core - Handled critical issue on fresh Platform plugin installation * Coding Standards - Code Refactoring replacing wp_parse_args functions with custom * Coding Standards - Code refactoring to support different notification types for custom development * REST API - Group Document cannot be renamed if the same file is uploaded more then once * REST API - Restrict media upload for post types auto-generated activity in the API * REST API - Handled read more issue for blog posts auto-generated activity in the API = = * Activity - Fixed critical issue when ‘Forum Discussions’ component is not active = 2.0.4 = * Notifications - Provided support for Web Push Notification from BuddyBoss Platform Pro * Forums - Added support to save forum Discussion and replies content in the draft on accidental close or refresh * Forums - Handled member unsubscribed automatically issue when discussion edited from admin Dashboard * Forums - Handled discussion alignment formatting for RTL language site * Activity - Added support to save Post activity content in the draft on accidental close or refresh * Activity - Provided draft support for activity directory, profile timeline, members profile timeline, and groups timeline * Activity - Small improvement to show embed preview for blog auto-generated activity * Profiles - Handled profile repeater field issue not getting saved properly * Groups - Handled group name with apostrophe not showing correctly across the network * Groups - Handled group URL not working issue in the email * Media - Handled video not playing issue in the popup on other member's timeline * Media - Fixed issue to search emoji with uppercase string in messaging, activity, forums, etc * Messages - Handled critical issue of sharing same thread when multiple members create thread at the same time * Messages - Small code refactoring to not save entity code in the DB for empty messages with just media * Coding Standards - Menu and sub-navigation CSS Code refactoring * REST API - Provided raw group name parameter in the group API * REST API - Handled edit activity critical issue in the activity API * REST API - Provided create album parameter for a specific group in the group API * REST API - Small improvement to send message thread sender details in the message thread API * REST API - Handled emojis inconsistent response issue * REST API - Handled critical issue of sharing same thread in the API * Compatibility - Fixed 'WP Offload Media' plugin compatibility issues * Documentation - Small code refactoring to stop sending resources documentation requests on every page load = = * Compatibility - Fixed 'WP Offload Media' plugin critical topics issue attached with documents = 2.0.3 = * Profiles - Handled repeater set title issue showing dropdown value instead of text * Profiles - Handled wrong date value for empty date Profile fields * Groups - Small improvement in groups directory filter dropdown to show Group types in alphabetical order * Forums - Handled single discussion display name privacy issue * Activity - Handled @mention not working issue in activity comments for blog post activities * Activity - Small improvement to redirect to specific activity comment from notification * Activity - Small improvement to allow searching Unicode characters in directory screen * Activity - Handled URL embed not working issue with the space * Activity - Handled link preview getting deleted issue when updating privacy * Activity - Small improvement to show a relevant error when not allowed to edit activity after a specified duration * Activity - Handled disabled auto-refresh option not working issue * Media - Handled document upload in a folder not showing without refresh issue in the Profile * Media - Small improvement to show uploaded portrait media in the right size across the network * Media - Small improvement to hide action buttons when no videos are found * Messages - Handled gif not playing issue in the message thread * Moderation - Small improvement to not receive an email notification from blocked members * REST API - Handled wrong date value for empty Profile fields in the API * REST API - Handled members directory send message action not taking to a right thread issue * LifterLMS - Handled critical issue in the profile screen * Events Calendar Pro - Handled past events not showing issue in search results * Yoast SEO - Handled update profile critical conflict in the admin dashboard and API * Compatibility - Code refactoring to fix a bunch of PHP 8 compatibility issues = 2.0.2 = * Notifications - Added icon support for notification avatar based on the notification type * Profiles - Handled members profile takes to wrong recipient issue when clicking on send message * Forums - Handled @mention dropdown not showing issue for Forum discussion and reply editor * Forums - Handled profile subscription tab members profile link issue * Activity - Handled activity comment empty content validation issue * Activity - Handled activity comment enter new line lag UX issue * Activity - Handled hidden gif issue on read more click * Activity - Handled read more not working issue for specific server * Activity - Handled documents performance issue when symlink disabled * Activity - Handled gif deletion issue when post edited * Media - Handled temporary junk files issue on the server when folder downloaded * Messages - Handled multiple-member thread, all members not showing issue * Moderation - Handled critical issue on block user action when connection component is disabled * Network Search - Handled discussion search issue when media attached * Registration - Handled small UI issues * BuddyPanel - Handled small UI issues when BuddyPanel disabled and group type shortcode added * BuddyPanel - Handled 'my group' menu wrong link issue * Coding Standards - Code refactoring to update all icon images with a new icon pack in the dashboard * Coding Standards - Small code refactoring to fix hook and added icon CSS file version query string * REST API - Handled activity comment empty content validation issue in the API * REST API - Handled member type issue for certain members in the API * REST API - Handled hidden group activity media privacy issue * REST API - Handled block member action critical issue when connections component disabled in the API * REST API - Handled activity end-point media issue in the response = = * Messages - Fixed send message critical security issue = 2.0.1 = * Profiles - Small code refactoring to stop triggering multiple hooks * Profiles - Handled profile header social network links issue when Profile type not enabled * Forums - Fixed PHBB import issues * Moderation - Handled single forum report modal not working issue * REST API - Handled blog comments count issue in the API * REST API - Handled newly created Group caching issue * REST API - Provided is_admin user parameter in the API = 2.0.0 = * BuddyBoss Theme - Provided Theme 2.0 style new options support * BuddyBoss Theme - Provided Theme 2.0 overall styling support * BuddyBoss Theme - Provided Theme 2.0 with new color support * BuddyBoss Theme - Provided Theme 2.0 new icons pack support * BuddyBoss Theme - Provided Theme 2.0 new header style support * Profiles - Provided option to select a custom color for Profile type label * Profiles - Restructured the profile data in multiple sections for each profile fieldsets * Groups - Provided option to select a custom color for Group type label * Forums - Provided 'BuddyBoss Theme' 2.0 style support * Forums - Provided support for the featured image in the forum header * Forums - Converted Forum discussion and reply post forms into modals * Forums - Improved cover image logic for Forums directory screen * Forums - Handled discussion reply count issue * Activity - Handled embed link preview issue when privacy changed * Activity - Handled 'Latest Activities' widget privacy issue * Messages - Handled multiple recipients message performance issue * Messages - Handled wrong message count issue for Group messages * Network Search - Provided template and markup support for the search results screen * Network Search - Improved search logic for Blog posts * Widgets - Provided template and markup support for widgets * Coding Standards - Code refactoring to handle warnings and notices * REST API - Provided Profile type custom color API support * REST API - Handled media rendering issue when file not directly accessible * REST API - Handled API issue to post activity with just video * Compatibility - Fixed 'WP Offload Media' plugin compatibility issues = 1.9.3 = * Notifications - Provided notification updates as a Lab feature * Notifications - Provided options for members to manage all Notification Preferences for all devices in one place * Notifications - Provided options in the admin to disable a specific notification type * Notifications - Provided options in the admin to manage default notification preferences for new members * Notifications - Provided options in the admin to hide Messages notifications from notification dropdown * Notifications - Refactored notifications types for Lab feature enabled * Notifications - Refactored emails for Lab feature enabled * Notifications - Improved code to allow to register new notification types easily * Profiles - Handled profile field type paragraph formatting issue to allow HTML target attribute * Profiles - Small improvement to show confirm popup before deleting profile field in the admin * Groups - Handled add user issue in admin edit group screen when username and nickname are different * Groups - Handled my group nav issue in the menu for logged-in member * Forums - Handled forum merge discussions and reply split issue * Activity - Handled attached GIF issue in Activity Form * Activity - Handled activity comment duplicate string issue on paste * Messages - Handled last message hidden issue when new member join/left group * Network Search - Handled sub-forums search compatibility issue with MariaDB * Emails - Provided option to install missing emails templates * Documentation - Handled tutorial articles images layout issue * REST API - Provided notification updates API support * REST API - Handled forum discussions merge and reply split issues in the APIs * Compatibility - Handled WP 5.9 compatibility issue causing false alerts on post types edit screen = 1.9.2 = * Profiles - Handled critical issue in Profile when forum component not enabled * Groups - Handled group invitation screen UI issue in profile * Groups - Handled memory issue for a non-logged-in member for group with a large number of invitations * Groups - Handled hidden group activity privacy issue * Activity - Handled activity form, privacy selection issue * Media - Handled photo and document update privacy issue in the popup * Performance - Improved @mention performance to query for right usernames on page and post * REST API - Small improvement in group details API endpoint * REST API - Handled message API caching issue * Compatibility - Handled WordPress 5.8 compatibility issue on save profile action = = * Private Network - Handled private site ‘Public Website Content’ not working critical issue = 1.9.1 = * Profiles - Provided support to customize Profile header and directory layouts on settings enabled with BuddyBoss Platform Pro * Profiles - Provided support to change Profile cover image sizes on settings enabled with BuddyBoss Platform Pro * Groups - Provided support to customize Group header and directory layouts on settings enabled with BuddyBoss Platform Pro * Groups - Provided support to change Profile cover image sizes on settings enabled with BuddyBoss Platform Pro * Groups - Handled Group type direct URL issue when Group type and its label name is same * Forums - Handled forum discussion js error for non-English language * Activity - Handled activity formatting issue for auto-generated discussion replies * Activity - Improved responsiveness of activity form * Coding Standards - Refactored since time output across all components * Updater - Provided 'Release Notes' modal to show information about the release * REST API - Handled API performance table column size issue for specific server * REST API - Handled Forum APIs wrong permissions issue * REST API - Update to send activity with embed in the API as a separate object = = * Media - Fixed critical API caching purge issue on symlink delete cron = 1.9.0 = * Performance - Optimized core functions, loops, and SQL queries * Performance - Extended object caching support * Performance - Removed duplicate SQL queries significantly * Performance - Optimized a bunch of specific page and functionality performance * Forums - Provided edit option for forums and discussion in the WordPress toolbar * Activity - Show preview when link added with text * Activity - Improved embedded video width and UI * Activity - Improved activity form upload media UI * Profiles - Handled profile completion widget string translation issue * REST API - Handled caching issues in the API to improve performance * REST API - Provided order by and include options in the API * REST API - Provided moderation can report parameters in the API * Compatibility - Show title properly when RankMath plugin is active = 1.8.7 = * Groups - Fixed default avatar issue in messages and notifications screen when group avatar is disabled * Groups - Fixed group title and description critical security issue * Activity - Fixed critical issue to restrict photos and videos privacy update when uploaded to a specific album * Activity - Fixed small UI issue showing text close to ellipsis icon * Activity - Fixed @mention issue with space when user created from the dashboard * Activity - Fixed activity form upload UX issue with preview * Activity - Fixed activity form preview URL issue not rendered on paste * Media - Fixed documents directory screen small UI issues * Media - Fixed videos directory screen small UI issues * Media - Fixed edit action not working issue in media popup * Media - small improvement for video upload progress logic * Moderation - Fixed moderation markup issue in email customizer * REST API - Fixed group message thread permission issue in the API * REST API - Fixed media edit issue in the API * REST API - Fixed default avatar issue in the API when group avatar is disabled * Compatibility - Fixed 'WP Offload Media' plugin compatibility issues = 1.8.6 = * Profiles - Provided WordPress, BuddyBoss, and Custom option to change default profile avatar image * Profiles - Provided BuddyBoss and Custom option to change default profile cover image * Groups - Provided BuddyBoss and Custom option to change default group avatar and cover image * Activity - significantly enhanced activity form interface with modal layout * Private Network - Provided option to restrict REST APIs and RSS feed public access * Media - Fixed generating thumbnail infinite loading issue for uploaded video * Media - Fixed portrait video thumbnail wrong size issues * Network Search - Fixed search issue with ampersand character in group and activities * REST API - Provided default cover and avatar image API support for profile and group * REST API - Provided caching support in the APIs for restrict Rest API and RSS feed option * REST API - Fixed activity like and comment parameter issue in the API * REST API - Fixed forum reply permission issue in the API = 1.8.5 = * Profiles - Fixed profile type search settings to show when the Network Search component is active * Profiles - Fixed exported data to show profile type field value to name instead of id * Groups - Fixed changing group photo updates user avatar temporarily in the header * Forums - Fixed discussion reply notification issue showing wrong member name * Activity - Fixed public URL link preview issue for private network * Media - Fixed bunch of non-translatable strings related to the media component * Media - Fixed missing 'video-js-rtl.min.css' file error when a site using RTL language * Text Editor - Fixed HTML copy paste issue * LearnDash - Code refactoring to fix warnings and notices * REST API - Fixed sign up user exists endpoint error message status code in the API * REST API - Fixed activity uploaded media order in the API = 1.8.4 = * Groups - Fixed group private messages screen, members load more issue on scroll * Groups - Fixed sub-group issue where parent get unassigned on description update * Groups - Fixed hidden group email invite issue takes to 404 * Groups - Fixed @mention issue not working when user mention name updated * Groups - Fixed @mention issue using wrong user mention name * Forums - Fixed discussion title tag issue to be consistent with or without group * Forums - Fixed discussion reply formatting issue in the email * Forums - Fixed activity 'Read more' link issue not taking to a specific reply * Forums - Fixed discussion notification issue on reply * Forums - Fixed discussion email notification invalid links issue * Activity - Fixed @mention double space issue * Activity - Fixed @mention duplicate queries performance issues * Activity - Fixed inconsistent video preview issue for a forum reply * Profiles - Fixed members count format issue on load * Media - Fixed undefined png image issue with emojis dropdown * Messages - Fixed critical issue on messages screen when connection component disabled * Notifications - Fixed invalid notification title issue on the discussion page * REST API - Added component pages details in the API * REST API - Fixed group type with special character issue in the API * REST API - Fixed custom profile tab link issue in the API = 1.8.3 = * Messages - Improved logic to send group messages by processing members and notifications in the background * Moderation - Improved moderation module core logic to hide content in the background batches on Report, Block, and Suspend * Media - Fixed video playing issue on upload in Safari browser * Media - Fixed Album feature option avail even when disabled in the settings * Coding Standards - Code refactoring to handle when PHP system function disabled * Coding Standards - Code refactoring to fix warnings and deprecated functions * Elementor - Fixed templates builder popup settings compatibility issue with Forums discussion and replies * REST API - Added Group messages improvements in the APIs * REST API - Fixed cache issue on password change to fix a critical issue = 1.8.2 = * Forums - Fixed Forums directory page search issue * Profiles - Fixed WordPress role sync issue on Members Profile type update * Media - Improved symlink auto-detection logic for server compatibility * REST API - Fixed member default avatar issue in the API * REST API - Fixed wrong content issue in the message thread API = 1.8.1 = * Groups - Added support to Send emails in Batches in the Background to Group members on details update * Forums - Added support to Send emails in Batches in the Background to Forum and Topics subscribers * Forums - Fixed Forum discussion apostrophe slash issue on validation error * Forums - Fixed PHBB import issues * Profiles - Cross-browser compatibility added for profile picture image quality * Profiles - Fixed Profile field apostrophe slash issue on save * Media - Fixed video popup unable to close the issue in profile * Messages - Added support to Send emails in Batches in the Background for Group and Private Messages thread * Moderation - Fixed background process infinite loop critical issue * Notifications - Fixed notification read/unread status issue when multiple group access request notifications were received and followed * Emails - Small compatibility fix to show avatar in Outlook * Elementor - Minor fix to load right size profile picture on the dashboard template * REST API - Added API support to Send emails in Batches in the Background * REST API - Fixed delete custom thumbnail API issue on selecting auto-generated video thumbnail * REST API - Fixed API performance issue when many profile fields data added = 1.8.0 = * Profiles - Fixed Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability issue on edit and view profile * Groups - Fixed group type roles label 'an' and 'a' prefix issue * Groups - Code improvements to stop direct URL access when group tab removed using hooks * Forums - Fixed error on forum replies listing screen in the admin when reply moved to draft * Forums - Fixed forum search issue with the empty string * Media - Fixed symlink error on plugin activation when symlink not supported on the server * Media - Fixed Document popup download and edit description not showing issue * Messages - Fixed messages members list to not show suspended members * LearnDash - Fixed Learndash sub-groups sync issue with Social sub-groups * REST API - Fixed Media Privacy and Move option permission issue in the API * Compatibility - Fixed 'WP Offload Media' plugin compatibility issue to show both local and offloaded media properly * Compatibility - Fixed media access notice in admin to not show when Media offloaded fully using 'WP Offload Media' plugin * Compatibility - Fixed 'GeoDirectory' plugin compatibility issue with Messages screen * Compatibility - Fixed 'TranslatePress' compatibility UI issue with News Feed * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = 1.7.9 = * Profiles - Provided option to hide specific profile type members in search results * Profiles - Fixed profile type issue to not hide members in Group manage members screen * Groups - Fixed 'Visit Group' button UI issue in the Group invite email * Forums - Fixed group organizer permission issue to allow adding a discussion and reply tags * Forums - Fixed Forum discussion and reply editor formatting issue * Forums - Fixed Forum reply widget wrong date issue * Forums - Fixed text formatting issue for Email tokens * Activity - Fixed URL preview issue when creating Activity post * Activity - Fixed Activity feed comment issue when popup opened in a specific order * Activity - Fixed issue with browser performance when @mention used many times in activity post * Messages - Fixed Email notification preference settings for Group messages * Network Search - Fixed search issue when all Forums deleted * Coding Standards - Added Security patch for SQL injections vulnerability * Elementor - Provided WordPress Widgets support in Elementor pages * WooCommerce - Fixed critical registration conflict on Private network * REST API - Provided endpoint to send hidden group details * REST API - Fixed mention API endpoint to return a response for empty string * REST API - Profile type new option support added in the API * REST API - Video thumbnail endpoint improvements in the API * REST API - Fixed videos count issue in Group details endpoint * Compatibility - Fixed SEOPress media compatibility issue = 1.7.8 = * Forums - Fixed forums logic by not allowing multiple Forum to be associated with a single Group * Forums - Fixed Forums and it's sub-forums to have the same privacy as Group when associated * Forums - Fixed Forums and it's sub-forums to link to Group URL when associated * Forums - Fixed forum discussion tag conflict with same term slug * Forums - Fixed forum discussion documents not showing on edit * Forums - Fixed forum discussion js error with the Korean language * Forums - Fixed forum reply with gif media duplicate error on submit * Activity - Fixed issue to stop showing Activity comment Photos and Documents anywhere else on the network * Activity - Fixed issue to stop further activity on Photos and Documents added in activity comments * Activity - Fixed Activity Feed connection tab to not show logged-in member posts * Profiles - Fixed profile field line break not working for Paragraph field * Media - Fixed Media download security issue * Media - Fixed Video thumbnail UI issue * Messages - Fixed big multiple members thread load more UI issue * Messages - Fixed Block member listing popup to not show blocked members * Messages - Fixed single quote issue in display name not showing correctly * Messages - Fixed invalid messages count issue on hiding message thread action * Network Search - Fixed Forum replies issue not showing in the search results page * Network Search - Fixed search dropdown UI issue on the search results page * Network Search - Fixed Cross-Site Scripting issue with search query string * Coding Standards - Fixed bunch of non-translatable strings * Coding Standards - Fixed bunch of notices and warnings * Elementor - Fixed [bbp-topic-form] shortcode compatibility issue * REST API - Forums and Groups association logic API changes * REST API - Activity comment media logic API changes * REST API - Forum discussion logic updates API changes * REST API - Fixed signup endpoint issue to not return activation code in response * REST API - Fixed signup endpoint to activate member using activation key only * REST API - Fixed hidden/private group Activity post critical issue on update * Compatibility - Fixed 'WishList Member' plugin compatibility issue on exporting personal data * Compatibility - Fixed login 'Privacy Policy' popup compatibility issue with custom js script * Compatibility - Fixed network search issue with PHP 8.0 = = * Activity - Fixed @mention not working critical issue = 1.7.7 = * Profiles - Fixed wrong 'Nickname' after migrating from BuddyPress * Forums - Fixed discussion pagination issue on Forums directory * Forums - Fixed forum discussion invalid count to make it consistent * Activity - Fixed post form GIF highlight UI issue on close * Activity - Fixed URL preview empty markup issue * Activity - Fixed duplicate queries issue to improve performance * Media - Fixed .htaccess Apache 2.4 and OpenLiteSpeed compatibility issue * Moderation - Improved reporting based on the content in the Activity feed * Notifications - Fixed duplicate notifications issue on blog post reply on a comment * Text Editor - Fixed HTML copy-paste issue * Elementor - Fixed media preview compatibility issue with Elementor Pro * REST API - Provided endpoint to move Photos/Videos into Album * REST API - Fixed activity comment invalid data in response * REST API - Added API support for moderation improvements = 1.7.6 = * Profiles - Fixed change password critical issue * Forums - Fixed issue with discussion tags not getting saved on update * Activity - Fixed forum discussion activity > quick reply > upload media access control issue * Activity - Fixed activity permission issue when group privacy changes from Public to Private and vice versa * Activity - Fixed URL preview attachment deletion issue on deleting activity * Activity - Fixed activity comment more options dropdown UI issue * Media - Fixed video issue on specific servers by handling symbolic link file extension * Media - Fixed photos directory create album popup UI issue * Media - Fixed profile upload photos minor UI issue * Media - Fixed video thumbnail issue for iPhone device * Media - Small code enhancement to check if symlink function disabled on the server * Messages - Fixed message thread performance issue by not loading all members at once * Connections - Fixed members widget issue when connection component disabled * Member Access Controls - Fixed notification email issue getting sent to the suspended members * Network Search - Fixed members count in search results when profile type set to hidden * Registration - Fixed forgot password issue when Group component disabled * Widgets - Fixed 'Members I am Following' and 'Members Following Me' widget settings issue * Coding Standards - Improved SQL queries * Coding Standards - Small improvement to escape attribute in the network search template * Elementor - Fixed Elementor conflict with forums parent option in admin * REST API - Fixed long thread performance issue in messages endpoint * REST API - Fixed messages thread members performance issue in API * Compatibility - Fixed 'WP Offload Media' plugin PDF document preview not generated issue * Compatibility - Fixed 'WP Offload Media' plugin general compatibility issues * Compatibility - Fixed 'Events Manager' plugin conflict * Compatibility - Fixed 'ACF Frontend Pro' plugin critical issue = 1.7.5 = * Moderation - Added moderation support for the Video module * Moderation - Improvements to report media instead of reporting activity post internally * Moderation - Fixed issue showing hidden media on edit activity post * Profiles - Fixed edit profile repeater field issue not allowing to add new instance * Profiles - Fixed duplicate fields issue in the admin when adding too many at once from the edit profile screen * Groups - Fixed issue to not show My Group tab in Videos and Photos directory page when Group component disabled * Forums - Fixed discussion pagination issue when 'Discussions by Last Post' configured * Media - Fixed minor issue with .m4v video support * GamiPress - Fixed gamipress badges UI issue in the activity feed * Compatibility - Fixed moderation conflict with Avada Builder Plugin * REST API - Fixed Repeater field issue in the API endpoint * REST API - Fixed API issue when Push Notification component disabled * REST API - Provided embeddable report link for media, document, and video in the API endpoint * REST API - Fixed Group type issue in the Groups endpoints showing HTML markup * REST API - Fixed API compatibility issue also with Avada Builder Plugin = 1.7.4 = * Member Access Controls - Added support to restrict Video upload based on Access Control settings provided in BuddyBoss Platform Pro * Profiles - Fixed issue with Repeater date field value on changing the order * Groups - Fixed critical parse syntax error in the template * Activity - Small improvement to show activity blog post excerpt in a wrapper * Media - Fixed video popup JS error on edit * Media - Fixed unwanted mystery-man files getting created issue * Media - Fixed JS error for .flv format videos uploaded * Media - Fixed critical issue for photos not showing * Network Search - Fixed search result order for members listing * REST API - Added API Support for Video Access Control * REST API - Added Report text API related changes * REST API - Fixed Profile field description formatting issue in the API * REST API - Fixed videos API param issue * REST API - Small API improvements in Moderation * REST API - Fixed Profile Nickname update issue in the API = 1.7.3 = * Moderation - Improvement to show Report button less prominent in the dropdown for all content types * Groups - Fixed group description HTML formatting issue * Activity - Improvement to hide Forum activities when Forum component disabled * Media - Fixed minor issue with .mov video support * REST API - Fixed activity endpoint group related issue * REST API - Fixed Video thumbnail generate endpoint issue * LearnDash - Fixed avatar issue on Courses, Lessons, and Topics * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = = * Activity - Fixed critical error on plugin update = = * Activity - Fixed critical error when Forums component disabled = 1.7.2 = * Activity - Provided option to disable comments in the activity feed for blog posts and custom post types * Activity - Improved forum discussion and replies activity workflow to handle redundant comments data * Activity - Improved blog posts and custom post types layout in the activity feed * Activity - Moved activities action button other than Like and Comment to ellipsis dropdown * Activity - Fixed comment JS issue when Edit Activity disabled * Media - Fixed media preview fallback logic by using WP URL instead of the PHP file * Media - Fixed documents mp3 file issue when symbolic link settings enabled * Media - Fixed video playing issue when symbolic link settings disabled * Media - Fixed video playing issue in Safari browser * Groups - Fixed group navigation tabs order issue in the customizer * Text Editor - Fixed text copy-paste issue * REST API - Added comments options support in the activity feed for blog posts and custom post types * REST API - Added activity feed forum discussion quick reply support * Compatibility - Fixed WP Offload Media plugin compatibility issue when 'Remove files from server' enabled * Compatibility - Fixed WordPress 8.0 compatibility issues * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = 1.7.1 = * Videos - Fixed video tab issue not allowing to re-order in Groups * Videos - Fixed video player controls styling to handle white background videos * Groups - Fixed issue with Group type on Group settings update * Text Editor - Copy Paste image restricted for all frontend text editor = = * Media - Added settings to enable/disable symbolic link for medias * Media - Fixed document PDF file preview issue * Media - Fixed photos size issue to improve quality in the activity feed * Videos - Fixed video not playing issue in Safari browser * Videos - Fixed video symbolic signed URL download issue * Moderation - Fixed issue to hide activity photos and documents on report * REST API - Fixed symbolic link issue in the APIs = 1.7.0 = * Videos - Added Videos support for Activity, Profiles, Groups, Messages, Forums * Videos - Added central Videos page for showing all site Videos * Videos - Added functionality to move and organized Videos into Albums * Videos - Added settings page for customizable Video File Extensions * Videos - Added support to auto-generate Video cover images * Videos - Added Video Player support * Videos - Added Video support for Documents * Notifications - Added On-Screen Notifications support * Notifications - Added On-Screen Notifications controls * Media - Major security & performance improvements for Photos, Documents, and Videos preview * Groups - Media permission improvements * REST API - Added Videos API support * REST API - Media permission and Media performance Code refactoring = 1.6.4 = * Profiles - Fixed profile photo not showing issue when 'Avatar display' not enabled in discussion WordPress settings * Profiles - Fixed profile photo cropping issue for RTL languages * Activity - Code refactoring and API improvements specific to activity avatar * Text Editor - Fixed numbered list formatting issue * REST API - API endpoints code refactoring to improve security and fix vulnerabilities * REST API - Small improvement for custom profile and group tabs endpoints = 1.6.3 = * Profiles - Fixed issue to handle special character in profile field type - dropdown * Profiles - Fixed irrelevant members name issue in private message search * Forums - Provided forum discussion first level replies pagination support * Forums - Fixed bug by escaping Html in forum discussion and reply * Forums - Fixed hidden reply issue on restore * Forums - Fixed Organizer and Moderator sync issue with social groups * Network Search - Fixed issue with sub-forum discussion not showing in search results * REST API - Provided API support for forum replies pagination * Compatibility - small improvement for profile and group custom tab screen = 1.6.2 = * Moderation - Improved module to optimize performance * Icons - Added new font icons for TikTok, Telegram, and ClubHouse = 1.6.1 = * Activity - Small improvement to stop saving zero width space html entity with post update * Activity - Fixed minor button text for edit activity popup * Media - Fixed media link embed issue in Activity, Comments, Private message, Forums, etc * Messages - Fixed issue to stop triggering multiple messages on frequent clicks * REST API - Code refactoring = 1.6.0 = * Profiles - Added validation to restrict duplicate Nicknames in the dashboard * Profiles - Fixed issue when trying to search members using courses * Media - Fixed media preview issue for specific server configuration * Notifications - Fixed notification issue with blog post comments and replies * Registration - Small improvement to show relevant validation message on the account activation * REST API - Provided customer profile/group tab details in relevant endpoints * REST API - Improved caching for menu and settings * REST API - Fixed issue with hiding subgroups option not working on groups endpoint * REST API - Fixed issue with forum screen in settings endpoint when forum slug updated * REST API - Fixed messages issue by providing media objects in the bulk URL details endpoint * REST API - Fixed empty profile type issue in the member endpoint * REST API - Fixed notification wrong 'from' field parameter issue * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = 1.5.9 = * Profiles - Improvements to reflect uploaded profile and cover photo instantly * Profiles - Small bug fix to show only published profile type and group type in the dashboard options * Groups - Small improvement to show 404 screen when group type is invalid * Groups - Fixed issue with group members logic to improve performance * Groups - Fixed issue with a hidden group create a discussion to redirect to the discussion * Forums - Provided Email Preference option to stop receiving forum replies and discussion email * Forums - Fixed issue with duplicate reply notification generated * Activity - Fixed activity comment box scroll issue * Media - Fixed issue with Redis cache when photos moved into an album * Messages - Fixed iPhone bug when sending Private Messages * Messages - Fixed infinite loading issue on delete messages action * Network Search - Small code improvement * Moderation - Small bug fix to improve performance * REST API - Fixed issue with notification marked read/unread * REST API - Fixed notification endpoint invalid data issue * REST API - Email Preference forum options support added * REST API - Fixed registration label special character issue * REST API - Cache improvements to fix group issues * REST API - Fixed activity feed issue when activity tab disabled * REST API - Fixed activity endpoint edit issue * LearnDash - Fixed Courses slug compatibility issue * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = = * Registration - Provided Legal Agreement checkbox option * Login - Showing 'Terms of Service' and 'Privacy Policy' on WordPress Login page * REST API - Provided Legal Agreement option in settings endpoint = = * REST API - Fixed course access and course count caching issue * REST API - Fixed emoji size issue in private message * REST API - Fixed Profile Social Network field update issue * REST API - Small Performance Improvements = = * REST API - Provided 'placeholder' parameter in settings endpoint * REST API - Provided 'success' parameter on account settings update * REST API - Fixed favorite activity endpoint critical issue * REST API - Fixed add/edit discussion endpoint invalid response * REST API - Fixed deep linking issue by purging cache on component activate/deactivate * REST API - Fixed photo count issue in the media endpoint * REST API - Fixed group activity feed not showing anything * REST API - Fixed API issue in group activity screen * REST API - Fixed date field not getting saved on registration * REST API - Fixed messages issue to delete a conversation * REST API - Fixed settings parameter for Advance Search * REST API - Fixed Activity comment content issue * REST API - Fixed empty subgroups issue in the endpoint = 1.5.8 = * Profiles - Fixed issue with the hidden groups showing in other members profile * Profiles - Fixed issue with the delete account button * Profiles - Small improvements in profile photo and cover photo dropzone style * Profiles - Small improvements in privacy visibility settings to sync with repeater fields * Groups - Fixed send messages screen, members not loading on scroll for big resolution screen * Groups - Fixed issues with the group type pages * Activity - Fixed activity comments read more issue * Activity - Fixed a bunch of issues with @mention * Activity - Fixed Youtube video embed issue in activity comments on edit activity * Media - Small improvements in documents query * RTL - Fixed select2 library rtl issue * REST API - Cache improvements to fix BuddyBoss App deep linking and Web fallback bugs * REST API - Fixed many API issues related to member connection, message media upload, search recipients in a message, etc * REST API - Fixed API Vulnerability * REST API - Fixed mu-plugin download issue to provide caching support * LearnDash - Fixed compatibility issues with LearnDash 3.4 * WooCommerce - Fixed 'WooCommerce Memberships' plugin restrictions rules not working with components pages * Elementor - Fixed maintenance mode settings compatibility issue * Compatibility - Fixed document privacy option for MySQL 8.0.22 * Compatibility - Fixed 'Yoast SEO' plugin title and description meta tag not working with components pages * Compatibility - Fixed critical issue with 'WPMU DEV' plugin on deleting members from the dashboard = = * Groups - Fixed redirection issue when member leave the hidden social group * REST API - Performance Improvements = = * Messages - Provided 'select all' option in Group Send Private Message screen * Messages - Improved and Fixed UI issues related to Group Message and Private Message screen * REST API - Code refactoring * Translations - Updates to refactor Hungarian, French, German, and German (formal) language files = = * Messages - Fixed critical issue with sending a message when Social Groups component is not active * REST API - Code refactoring = 1.5.7 = * Member Access Controls - Added support to restrict list of social interaction based on Access Control settings provided in BuddyBoss Platform Pro * Activity - Fixed blog post activity showing Gutenberg block code issue * Activity - Fixed issue with comments disappearing when blog post updated * Messages - Fixed message threads listing scroll issue in the private message screen * Media - Fixed 'select album' option shows even when it is disabled in the settings * Media - Fixed media dropdown and popup layout issues * Groups - Fixed send invite members listing scroll issue at the time of creating and managing group * Groups - Fixed cover image layout issue at the time of creating a group * Groups - Fixed group status not translatable issue in the email * Forums - Fixed issue with Forum and Discussion non-English slug * Profiles - Fixed issue with radio and checkbox fields in Profile Search * LearnDash - Fixed issue with group name not synced on update * Moderation - Fixed Reporting Category taxonomy showing in nav menu issue * Compatibility - Fixed group roles label not working with 'Instructor Role for LearnDash' plugin * Compatibility - Fixed issue registration issue with 'Google Captcha Pro' plugin * Compatibility - Fixes for WordPress 5.6 and PHP 8.0 * REST API - Provided support and new endpoints added for the 'Access Control' feature * REST API - Added caching support for all REST APIs = 1.5.6 = * Moderation - New Moderation Component added * Moderation - Added option to allow members Block each other * Moderation - Added option to allow members Report other members content * Groups - Fixed activity access for hidden social groups * Groups - Fixed send message members listing scroll issue * Forums - Fixed forum reply copy-paste content formatting * Forums - Fixed Forum directory search option not working as expected * Forums - Fixed discussion and reply, photos documents attachment issue * Activity - Fixed member profile, friend activity scope * Media - Improved photos directory page * Media - Provided option to Create Album and Move Photos while uploading * Media - Provided option to Create Folder and Move Document while uploading * Media - Provided option to Move Photos into Album from Activity * Media - Provided option to limit the number of Photos/Documents uploaded per batch * Messages - Code refactoring * REST API - New endpoints added for 'Moderation' feature * REST API - New endpoints added for 'Relevant Activity' feature = = * Messages - Fixed message threads critical security bug * Messages - code refactoring = 1.5.5 = * Groups - Fixed group message media shows in the photos tab * Groups - Fixed group message private bcc thread bug * Forums - Fixed GIPHY play button alignment issue in discussions * Activity - Added 'Relevant Activity' support * Activity - Improved Edit Activity popup layout * Activity - Improved 'read more' link logic for blog posts activity * Media - Fixed create album popup, title becomes empty on a validation error message * Media - Improved GIPHY media logic to render from GIPHY server * Media - Fixed download issue with signed media * Network Search - Fixed Media search results layout issues * Email Invites - Fixed recipients profile type not assigned issue * REST API - Fixed media API privacy issue * REST API - Fixed API issues in media and activity * WPML - Fixed private network enabled public content issue = 1.5.4 = * Profiles - Improved Profile completion module caching logic * Notifications - Fixed custom notification blank text issue * Notifications - Fixed forum reply notification incorrect timestamp * Notifications - Fixed notification issue when a user comments on a blog post * Groups - Private groups documents security issue fixed * Groups - Fixed forums permission issue for non-members * Forums - Fixed forum reply image repost issue * Activity - Fixed invalid avatar on the activity post form * Activity - Fixed blog post activity video embed issue * Messages - code refactoring * Network Search - Provided option to search for photos and albums * REST API - Fixed many API issues in activity, media, messages, members, and social groups * Compatibility - Fixed password reset email layout issue with 'Paid Memberships Pro' plugin = 1.5.3 = * Profiles - Improved profile and Groups cover photo upload * Profiles - Fixed fieldset caching issue based on profile types * Groups - Fixed issue to show hidden groups in the group directory page * Groups - Fixed group tooltip UI issue when cover photo settings disabled * Groups - Fixed group invite message do not show * Groups - Fixed groups parent setting issue in the dashboard * Forums - Fixed forums tab in profile when configured Forums directory as a child page * Forums - Fixed forums reply editor formatting issue * Activity - Fixed issue to show 'read more' link for blog posts activity * Media - Updated Dropzone 5.7.2 library * Media - Improved security * Photos - Fixed photo description editing issue in the popup * Messages - Fixed messages thread formatting * Network Search - Fixed minor network search issue * BuddyPanel - Fixed selected profile tab issue * Performance - Improved DB queries * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = 1.5.2 = * Profiles - Provided option to re-order profile action buttons, visible when viewing other member's profiles * Profiles - Fixed profile completion widget issue when first or last name field disabled * Profiles - Fixed registration duplicate field issue when profile type enabled * Forums - Fixed forums 404 issue when configured as a child page * Activity - Fixed URL preview for Cloudflare sites not allowing default 'user-agent' * Activity - Fixed activity editor, formatting toolbar focus issue * Activity - Fixed activity update in other member's profile * Photos - Fixed add photos popup layout issues * Documents - Fixed document sub-folder download issue * Messages - Fixed invalid gravatar issue in private messages module * Messages - Allowing admin always to send private messages to all members on the site * Compatibility - Fixed profile cropping compatibility issue with Jetpack plugin * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = = * Photos - Fixed private messages photos and documents attachments security issue = 1.5.1 = * Profiles - Provided 'Cover Photo Repositioning' support in Profiles and Groups * Profiles - Fixed profile completion widget profile photo issue to consider gravatar * Profiles - Fixed profile completion widget social network field count issue * Profiles - Fixed display name format, field visibility, and field requirement logical issue * Groups - Provided options to Hide subgroups from Groups Directory & Group Type Shortcode * Groups - Fixed invites module to allow sending invites to group members in bulk * Forums - Fixed forums page not working when configured as a child page * Forums - Fixed reply editor HTML formatting issue * Activity - Fixed 'Edit Activity' module related critical bugs * Activity - Fixed activity form focus issue on click * Activity - Fixed activity form @mention delete issue * Activity - Fixed 404 Page issue when activity settings are updated * Media - Fixed issue to allow sending just emoji in messaging, activity, forums, etc * REST API - Small API fixes and code enhancement in media * REST API - New endpoints added for 'Edit Activity' feature = 1.5.0 = * Activity - Provided 'Edit Activity' support * Activity - Provided settings to allow members to edit their activity posts for a duration specified * Activity - Provided 'Edit Activity' compatibility with photos, documents, permissions, emoji, giphy, etc * Profiles - Provided option to setup Custom Profile dropdown * Profiles - Provided option to Hide Profile navigation * Profiles - Fixed profile completion issue with Repeater Field Set * Forums - Fixed discussion nested replies notification issue * Forums - Fixed discussion reply editor formatting issue * Media - Fixed album edit/save/cancel button layout issue * Documents - Fixed document download link privacy issue * Documents - Fixed document sub-folder download issue * Messages - Improved message thread delete logic * Messages - Fixed deleted message thread count issue * Templates - Profile navigation template enhancement for new profile navigation hide feature * REST API - Fixed API issues in profile, media, and social groups * LearnDash - Fixed Social groups and LearnDash groups sync conflict * Compatibility - Fixed frontend page conflict with Elementor plugin * Compatibility - Fixed activity date conflict with TranslatePress plugin * Compatibility - Fixed document layout issues with Wallstreet Theme = 1.4.9 = * Profiles - Fixed profile completion logic to reuse the same feature in Elementor * Media - Fixed logic to delete GIF attachments when entry deleted * Documents - Improved the logic to support BuddyBoss REST API * Compatibility - Fixes for WordPress 5.5 and PHP 7.* = 1.4.8 = * Media - New settings to set maximum file upload size for Photos and Documents * Media - Improved media popup code to work inside our new Elementor 'Activity' widget * Media - Improved the logic to support BuddyBoss REST API = 1.4.7 = * Profiles - Fixed profile field type Gender default options unable to re-order * Profiles - Fixed profile completion widget does not update with object caching ON * Profiles - Fixed profile repeater fieldset, delete repeater field not working * Groups - Fixed documents and folders add/edit/delete/move permissions for group organizer/moderator/member * Groups - Fixed performance issue when group members increases * Groups - Fixed hidden groups not showing for group type shortcode * Forums - Fixed discussion reply text formatting validation * Activity - Fixed photo comment email notification on the activity feed * Activity - Fixed Privacy for activity attached photo * Activity - Fixed activity preview to allow German characters * Activity - Fixed activity post update formatting issues * Documents - Fixed document rename does not allow non-English characters * Messages - Improved the avatar display for multi-user message threads * Network Search - Fixed search members based on members profile field-specific privacy * Multisite - Fixed repair and import tools inaccessible/broken in multi-site * REST API - Fixed API issues in activity, private messages, connection, and site permissions * REST API - New endpoints added for Email invites profile types changes * Compatibility - Fixed register and activate page title when RankMath plugin is active * Compatibility - Fixed social groups and LearnDash group slug conflict * Compatibility - Fixed courses access based on membership expiry from MemberPress plugin * Translations - Fixed 'TB, GB, MB, KB' text not translatable for memory unit * Translations - Fixed text for document file extension descriptions not available for translation * Translations - Fixed admin dashboard text not translatable * Translations - Added Hungarian language files * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = 1.4.6 = * Groups - Fixed 'Pending Invites' page unable to display more than 20 invites * Media - Fixed photo attachments in messages not always displaying for recipients * Messages - Fixed unable to delete a conversation if Notifications is disabled * Activity - Fixed very long URLs unable to be entered into activity feed posts * Private Network - Fixed homepage being visible when using 'Custom URL' for Registration * REST API - Fixed conflict on some servers, with creating and editing posts and pages * LearnDash - When courses are connected to groups, fixed incorrect 'Lessons' count * LearnDash - Fixed error notices on group 'Courses' tab when 'WP_DEBUG' is enabled * Translations - Fixed 'his, her, their' text not translatable for 'Gender' profile field * Translations - Fixed layout issues on profile page when language set to Hungarian = 1.4.5 = * Profiles - Now allowing underscores in 'Nickname' field for registration and @mentions * Activity - Fixed small images in activity feed getting scaled up and distorted * Media - Fixed certain document types not always uploading into Forum replies * Media - Improved the formatting of media popups in Forum replies * REST API - Fixed API issues in private messages, activity privacy, and site permissions * Compatibility - Fixed conflicts with Private Network settings on Memcached servers = 1.4.4 = * Profiles - Improved the user experience when adding a new Repeater field on frontend * Profiles - Fixed certain profile fields types preventing Repeater fields from saving * Forums - Fixed disabling 'Subscriptions' should remove Subscriptions from member profile * Forums - Fixed disabling 'Favorites' should remove Favorites from member profile * Forums - Restrict @mentions dropdown to list only members who have access to the forum * Groups - Restrict @mentions dropdown to list only members who have joined the group * Groups - When viewing group invitations page, fixed invitations showing incorrect dates * Groups - Improved the experience for accepting an invite into a private group * Media - Added media popups for all Documents and Photos posted into Forums and Messages * Media - Added 'Download' link to media popups for all Document types and Photos * Media - Fixed private group Documents visibility, when uploading to profiles is disabled * Activity - Fixed comments not displaying in activity feed for blog posts and custom post types * Activity - Fixed media attachments not displaying when commenting on a group update * Compatibility - Fixed default Profile Type not being assigned when registering via MemberPress * Compatibility - Fixed text icon conflict with plugin 'BuddyPress User Blog' in Forum replies * Compatibility - Fixed missing locator icon when using plugin 'BP xProfile Location' * Compatibility - Fixed conflicts between Documents feature and plugin 'BP Group Documents' * Compatibility - Fixed notices adding a + symbol between words in PHP 7.4.2 and higher * Translations - Fixed text 'Invited by' for group invites not available for translation = 1.4.3 = * Activity - Fixed some activity posts hidden from logged out users, and new members * Activity - Fixed 'All Updates' tab not displaying updates from joined private groups * Documents - Fixed 404 error on profile breadcrumbs when Documents directory is custom page * Documents - Fixed download links not working when using various SEO plugins * Documents - Fixed issues with playing and downloading MP3 file uploads * Documents - Added media popups for documents uploaded into forums and messages * Documents - Improved the styling of media popups when Activity component is disabled * Documents - When clicking 'Edit Folder Privacy' we now auto-display the Edit Folder popup * Documents - When opening the Edit Folder popup, privacy dropdown now displays correct privacy * Documents - Improved the file upload previews in the WordPress Media Library * Photos - In Photos directory, fixed group photos displaying when performing any search query * Emails - Added option to 'Skip Cropping' for logo, to display any logo dimension * Compatibility - Fixed PHP 7.4 errors when using WP Engine hosting = 1.4.2 = * Documents - Added 'Download' link to Image and PDF file preview popups * Documents - Fixed search results for content set to 'Only Me' and 'My Connections' * Documents - Fixed timeline of followers for content set to 'Only Me' and 'My Connections' * Documents - Fixed content set to 'Only Me' being hidden from my sitewide activity feed * Documents - Newly added Image and PDF protected files display an icon in Media Library * Security - Added index.html into 'uploads/bb_documents' for enhanced file protection * WC Vendors - Fixed products added from Vendor Dashboard not showing in activity feed * WC Vendors - Fixed products displayed in activity feed not showing featured image = 1.4.1 = * Forums - Fixed attached images getting removed after editing forum replies * Media - Set maximum amount of files uploaded per batch at 10 files * Security - Preventing executable file uploads from running in browser * Security - New file uploads go into 'uploads/bb_documents' with .htaccess protection = 1.4.0 = * Documents - Added documents for Activity, Profiles, Groups, Messages, Forums * Documents - Added central Documents page for showing all site documents * Documents - Added live previews for PDF, MP3, CSS, JS, HTML, Text, Image * Documents - Added functionality to move and organized Documents into Folders * Documents - Added settings page for customizable Document File Extensions * Media - Added enhanced privacy controls for uploaded Photos and Documents * Media - Added functionality to enter 'Description' in Photo and Document popups * Media - Comments in single Photo and Document popups now sync with activity comments * Activity - Added enhanced privacy controls for user-created activity posts * REST API - New endpoints added for Activity privacy changes * Groups - Improved performance for groups with many thousands of members * Groups - Fixed 'Send Message' and 'Edit Group Discussion' not translatable * Forums - Fixed pagination when using shortcode [bbp-topic-index] * Forums - Fixed issues when using many levels of threaded replies * Forums - Fixed empty Forums page displaying with Private Network enabled * Forums - Fixed HTML elements displaying when pasting content as subscriber * Forums - Merged in security patches from bbPress 2.6.5 * Profiles - Fixed 'Nickname' field privacy when set as other than 'Public' * Network Search - Fixed results title when using apostrophe or blank entry * Emails - Fixed email not sending for site admin changing a user's password * Icons - Switched the default font iconset from 'dashicons' to 'bb-icons' * Icons - Added new font icons to represent all common file types * LearnDash - Fixed 'Hidden' social groups not appearing in backend for LD groups * MemberPress - Fixed JavaScript conflicts with Stripe credit card field * WPML - Fixed menu links missing when viewing Groups, Photos, Forums in profile = 1.3.5 = * REST API - Added official BuddyBoss REST API * Activity - Fixed website link previews not all using the same formatting * Activity - Fixed some websites not properly fetching link preview content * Text Editor - Fixed text formatting buttons overlapping with media uploader * Forums - When viewing another user's forums, fixed 'My' text displaying in subtabs * WooCommerce - Fixed 'Lost Password' link redirecting to WooCommerce 'My Account' area * Compatibility - Fixed deprecated code errors when using PHP 7.4 * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = 1.3.4 = * Activity - Fixed certain link previews displaying doubled in activity posts * Profiles - Fixed 'Profile Type' filter not working when any Profile Type is hidden * Widgets - Improved formatting structure of activities in '(BB) Latest Activities' widget * Tools - Added 'Repair Community' tool for running 'Update activity favorites data' * Performance - Optimized code when activating plugin on site with 60,000 or more users * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = 1.3.3 = * Text Editor - Fixed content formatting reset issues when switching edit buttons * Forums - Fixed 404 error when paginating 'My Discussions' on user profile page * Forums - Fixed URL conflict between 'Subscriptions' tab and plugin 'WooCommerce Subscriptions' * Groups - Fixed 'New Group' and 'Delete Group' not working from admin in multisite * Groups - Fixed organizer of sub-group unable to send invites if not organizer of parent group * Groups - Fixed subgroups not in 'Subgroups' tab if group type is hidden from Groups Directory * LearnDash - Fixed creating a LearnDash group with a social group with Messages disabled = 1.3.2 = * Text Editor - New text formatting interface in Messages, Activity, Forums * Text Editor - New text formatting option for adding a code block * Profiles - Added 'Telegram' and 'WhatsApp' as options in 'Social Networks' field * Activity - Allow for commenting on activity posts from custom post types * Activity - Improved formatting of images in activity posts from custom post types * Activity - Fixed @mentions moving the cursor position when no results are found * Activity - Fixed link embeds from Chinese websites displaying broken text characters * Activity - Fixed link embeds not always fetching the best image and description * Activity - Fixed group members without access posting into group from sitewide activity * Notifications - Fixed notification for rejected group join request not clearing * LearnDash - Fixed alignment of Certificate banner for group with single course * LearnDash - Code optimization and performance improvements for Grid View ajax * Multisite - Fixed duplicate BuddyBoss menus when enabling 'BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG' * Translations - Added French language files, credits to Jean-Pierre Michaud * Translations - Updated German (formal) language files = 1.3.1 = * Compatibility - Updated a file that was causing false alerts from Windows Defender = 1.3.0 = * Messages - New dropdown option to 'Mark unread' in inbox * Messages - New dropdown option to 'Hide Conversation' in inbox * Messages - New dropdown option to 'Delete Conversation' for admins only * Messages - Display number bubble for conversations with 2+ other people * Group Messages - Hiding bulk sent messages in inbox, until recipients reply back * Group Messages - Improved the sent message confirmation screen * Activity - Fixed photo popup not opening on single activity permalink * Profiles - Added 'VK' as option in 'Social Networks' profile field * Translations - Added German (formal) language files = = * Groups - Fixed emoji in message content * Forums - Fixed forum/topic create/edit screen issue = 1.2.9 = * Groups - Added new option to send messages to group members from the group * Messages - Improved the logic for deleting your messages from a conversation * Messages - When a member is deleted, notifications about their messages are removed * Profiles - Added 'Twitch' as option in 'Social Networks' profile field * Profiles - Fixed issue when saving 'Date' field to the date January 1, 1970 * Forums - Fixed minor issues when @mentioning other members in forums * Forums - Fixed settings for 'Disallow editing after' time limit not working * Activity - Fixed link preview image not always displaying in activity posts * Activity - Fixed video embeds not displaying after editing the post in admin * Connections - Display 'More' button on Connections widget when list is maxed out * Connections - Fixed inconsistent display of Connections based on profile type * Widgets - Fixed the member counts showing incorrect in 'Who's Online' widget * Email Invites - Added ability to invite between 1 to 20 members at once * Emails - Now sending emails through the WordPress core wp_mail function * Admin - Fixed 'Screen Options > Pagination' not saving in admin for Activity and Groups * Developers - Added code filter to extend DropzoneJS image resize options * Compatibility - Fixed minor code issues with PHP 7.4 = 1.2.8 = * Registration - New option to use any Custom URL as your registration form * Forums - New feature to support @mentions in forums, with notifications * Forums - Fixed video URL embeds not displaying as playable videos in forum replies * Forums - Fixed forum reply popup not displaying when 'Post Formatting' is disabled * Forums - Fixed searching for GIFs in GIPHY panel not working in forum reply popup * Groups - Fixed groups with & symbol displaying as & in activity feed dropdown * Groups - Fixed 'a' vs 'an' logic for displaying your group role in English language sites * Profiles - Fixed 'Dropdown' field type not saving when adding hundreds of options * Profiles - Fixed 'Profile Type' field type not saving when WordPress role is set to (none) * Activity - Fixed occasional double posting of Youtube videos with embed URLs * Messages - Fixed new photos attached to messages displaying in member's Photos tab * Messages - Fixed maintaining formatting when copying and pasting text into the editor * Compatibility - Fixed incorrect message URLs with LearnDash and WPML both activated * Compatibility - Fixed conflict with plugin 'LearnDash Ratings, Reviews and Feedback' * Translations - Fixed text instances that could not be translated = 1.2.7 = * Activity - Fixed error on Mentions tab, when 'Activity tabs' option is enabled * Registration - Fixed false validation on registration page, when using required fields = 1.2.6 = * Widgets - Added option to hide '(BB) Profile Completion' widget when progress hits 100% * Activity - Fixed issue with deleted users leaving 'Unknown' likes in activity * Notifications - Fixed certain notifications not clearing after clicking in Notifications dropdown * Network Search - Added icons for search results coming from plugin LifterLMS * Developers - Added hooks for adding your own options into all Component Settings pages = 1.2.5 = * Messages - Fixed message list not loading more after scrolling down on mobile devices * Messages - Fixed the conversation start date not matching WordPress timezone settings * Notifications - Fixed issues with toggling Bulk selection of Notifications * Groups - Fixed links in group description set to 'open in a new tab' loading in the same tab * Groups - Fixed buttons for Join/Leave Group not working in Group Type shortcodes * Groups - When posting a photo from sitewide activity into a group, fixed photo not appearing in group * Forums - Fixed issues on Forums index page when Gutenberg content is added into the page editor * Forums - Fixed non-admins not seeing their own replies for Hidden groups, in 'My Discussions' tab * Forums - Fixed 'Unsubscribe' link in forum subscription emails redirecting to 'Email Preferences' * Forums - Fixed 'Description' input not displaying correctly for 'Create New Forum' shortcode * Forums - Fixed custom 'CSS Classes' added to Forums menu not displaying on Forums link * Forums - Fixed text in forum replies displaying as HTML markup in certain situations * Activity - Consistent styling for default WordPress embeds and our custom preview embeds * Activity - Fixed the setting to allow activity stream commenting on forum discussions and replies * Profiles - Fixed assigning 'Photos' as the default profile tab resulting in 404 error * Privacy - Fixed issue with Privacy and Terms of Service pages occasionally getting 404 errors * Emails - Fixed formatting of BuddyBoss emails when viewed in Microsoft Outlook * Registration - Fixed incorrect 'Mismatch' notice appearing on registration page in certain situations * Widgets - Added new '(BB) Profile Completion' widget for showing profile completion progress * Widgets - Fixed logic for '(BB) Members Following Me' widget when displayed on other member profiles * Widgets - Fixed logic for '(BB) Members I'm Following' widget when displayed on other member profiles * Widgets - Fixed logic for '(BB) My Connections' widget when displayed on other member profiles * Multisite - Fixed PHP errors displaying while creating a new site in WordPress Multisite dashboard * Multisite - Fixed Forum Discussions, Tags, Replies links not working in WordPress Multisite dashboard * Compatibility - Global fix for all radio and checkbox conflicts with various plugins * Compatibility - Added settings link at Settings > BuddyPress for third party BuddyPress add-ons * Compatibility - Fixed membership rules for page restriction not working correctly in 'MemberPress' * Compatibility - Fixed errors in BuddyBoss > Pages, with plugin 'WPML' (WordPress Multilingual) * Compatibility - Fixed errors in WordPress dashboard when activating 'WP Mail Logging by MailPoet' * Translations - Fixed text instances in JavaScript files that could not be translated = 1.2.4 = * Errors - Fixed PHP fatal error in certain situations = 1.2.3 = * Groups - Updated the 'Send Invites' interface to be more intuitive * Groups - Added proper formatting for ordered and bulleted lists added into group description * Groups - Added pagination to Manage Members screen when there are more than 15 group members * Groups - Fixed 'Screen Options' in admin area not toggling 'Description' option properly * Groups - Fixed 'Restrict Invitations' logic for invites into subgroups before joining the parent group * Groups - Fixed issues with not being able to select a group type when editing a group * Activity - Fixed issue with certain links displaying two embeds; fancy embed and fallback embed * Activity - Improved the slide down animation when clicking 'Read more' on long activity posts * Activity - Fixed clicking 'Comment' or 'Reply' on an activity post not scrolling down to the comment box * Profiles - Fixed issue when trying to follow multiple members in a row on Members directory * Profiles - Fixed extra space when adding a profile type shortcode to a page while BuddyPanel is disabled * Profiles - Fixed drag and drop issues with field sets, when there are many field sets with long names * Profiles - Fixed incorrect date ranges when 'Date' profile field type is added to Profile Search form * Profiles - Fixed issues with selecting 'Profile Type' profile field and getting incorrect error notices * Profiles - Fixed 'First Name' and 'Last Name' appearing in Account Privacy settings when they are disabled * Profiles - Fixed 'Last Name' visibility options when Display Name Format is set to 'First Name & Last Name' * Profiles - Added proper formatting for lists and underline when using 'Paragraph Text' profile field type * Forums - Fixed issues when adding multiple forum shortcodes onto the same WordPress page * Forums - When receiving a notification about a forum reply, the link now scrolls down to the specific reply * Messages - Fixed the Back button not working right after composing a message, on mobile devices * Media - Fixed GIF not working when replying to a single activity post on its permalink screen * Network Search - Added an option to search forums based on their Discussion Tags * Email Invites - Fixed shortcode {{{inviter.url}}} not working in invitation email template * Email Invites - Fixed 404 error when trying to log out right after sending email invites * Widgets - Fixed '(BB) Connections' widget sorting members incorrectly when added to Activity Feed * Privacy - Fixed issue with extra 'Privacy Policy' pages being created when activating components * LearnDash - Fixed scheduled courses, lessons and topics incorrectly posting into Activity Feed * LearnDash - Fixed emails not sending to users registering to the site via enrollment into a Free course * Compatibility - Fixed conflict when enabling 'Private Network' while allowing account creation in 'WooCommerce' * Compatibility - Fixed conflict with Email Invites email link when using plugin 'Paid Memberships Pro' * Compatibility - Fixed Network Search displaying results that are restricted via plugin 'Paid Memberships Pro' * Compatibility - Fixed verified badge not showing in forums with plugin 'Verified Member for BuddyPress' * Compatibility - Fixed redirect issues for Forums, Photos and Groups tabs with plugin 'WPML' * Compatibility - Fixed conficts with plugin 'WordPress SEO Plugin - Rank Math' * Compatibility - Fixed conficts with plugin 'Hide My WP' * Translations - Fixed text instances that could not be translated = 1.2.2 = * Activity - Fixed certain link embeds URLs not rendering proper results * Profiles - Fixed member type not displaying in profile cards in 'My Connections' tab * Profiles - Fixed the 'Mutual Connections' tab incorrectly showing all members * Profiles - Fixed pagination of members when using [profile type=""] shortcode * Groups - Fixed pagination of groups when using [group type=""] shortcode * Groups - Fixed 'Read more' in group activity feed not working when Media component is disabled * Groups - Added ability to re-order Photos and Albums tabs in customizer * Forums - Fixed issue when posting a forum reply using only a GIF, with no text * Forums - Fixed issue with pagination through forums in Forums index * Notices - Fixed site notices not clearing after closing them, for non-admin members * Registration - Fixed data not saving on register form when validating incomplete fields * Widgets - Changed 'More' link in 'Users I'm Following' widget to redirect to 'Following' tab * Compatibility - Fixed conflict with WP Ultimo while Network Search is enabled * Compatibility - Added support for 'bp_embed_oembed_html' filter in code * Documentation - Now syncing all docs in real time from BuddyBoss Resources website = 1.2.1 = * Profiles - Fixed field sets not editable on some profile types when Repeater Set is enabled * Profiles - Fixed pagination of members directory not scrolling back to top of page in mobile * Groups - Fixed pagination of groups directory not scrolling back to top of page in mobile * Groups - Fixed option to 'Restrict Invites' into sub-groups, to only members of the parent group * Forums - Fixed marking discussion as Favorite not always saving after page refresh * Forums - New settings section to customize 'Forum Profile Slugs' * Media - Fixed photos added into newly created group album not saving = 1.2.0 = * Groups - When logged out users visit a private group, now redirects to Login instead of 404 error * Groups - New option to display group directories in Grid View, List View, or both with a toggle * Profiles - New option to display profile directories in Grid View, List View, or both with a toggle * Profiles - Fixed display of 'Phone' profile field type when added into a Repeater set * Profiles - Fixed issue with saving international numbers in 'Phone' profile field type * Profiles - Fixed issue with saving Visibility when editing 'Profile Type' profile field type * Forums - Added full support for all bbPress forum shortcodes * Forums - Fixed issue with restoring trashed discussions in WordPress admin * Forums - Fixed pagination issues when viewing the last page of discussions * Forums - Fixed displaying original text formatting when editing a forum post * Media - Now displaying the number of photos in social group 'Photos' tabs * Media - Fixed syncing of photo deletion between frontend and admin Media Library * Media - Fixed photo lazy loading when selecting from existing photos to add into an album * Notices - Now displaying site notices on all WordPress pages * Notices - Added support for entering shortcodes into site notices * Email Invites - Removed the avatar and name from email template sent to invited recipients * Widgets - Added tooltips to display the name of each member in both 'Following' widgets * Akismet - Improved styling for 'Spam' icon in activity feed when Akismet is configured * LearnDash - New option to display 'My Courses' menu for logged in members * LearnDash - Fixed 'Courses' tab on groups not applying custom label for 'Courses' text * Compatibility - Improved support for many plugins that 'Require bbPress' and 'Require BuddyPress' * Coding Standards - General code refactoring, validated through PHP_CodeSniffer * Translations - Added Hungarian language files, credits to Tamas Prepost * Documentation - Profile Grid vs List View * Documentation - Group Grid vs List View * Documentation - Forum Shortcodes * Documentation - New Forum Shortcode * Documentation - My Courses Profile Menu = 1.1.9 = * Performance - Lazy load iframes (video embeds) in Activity * Activity - New option to display activity in separate tabs based on activity type * Activity - New widget '(BB) Users Following Me' to display all members following the logged-in user * Activity - When embedding links with no additional text, show the content preview and hide link URL * Activity - When embedding a Youtube link that cannot fetch a video preview, fall back to image preview * Activity - Fixed link previews when embedding links from a Facebook url * Activity - Fixed link previews when embedding links from an AMP url * Profiles - When hiding members of a profile type from Members Directory, hide from '(BB) Members' widget * Groups - Fixed issue with deleting members from a group, when LearnDash is enabled * Groups - Fixed filtering group types set to be hidden from Groups directory, in all scenarios * Groups - When a group member changes their Name, now updates their name in previous group activity feeds * Groups - When editing groups from backend, fixed dropdown list of available Group Types * Groups - When auto-creating a group from a LearnDash group, the group members now show correct join date * Forums - When adding tags to a discussion or reply, now showing suggested tags as you type * Forums - When replying to a sub-forum in a group, now displaying an activity post in the group feed * Media - Fixed issue with deleting albums from groups * Media - Fixed displaying photos uploaded into groups in the global Photos page, based on group privacy * Media - When deleting an image from activity, fixed auto-deleting the image from photos tab * Email Invites - If an invited email is already a member, providing proper validation now * Email Invites - Fixed 'Email Invites' tab showing on other member profiles, when viewing as Admin * Email Invites - Fixed WordPress error when sending invites, on some servers * Registration - Reduced character minimum for 'Nickname' to 3 characters, previously was 4 * Registration - Added validation telling users that underscores are not allowed for 'Nickname' * Registration - Fixed validation when 'Profile Type' field is required and in a non-signup field set * Registration - Nicer 'Mismatch' validation when Email and Confirm Email do not match * Registration - Fixed activation email not sending in multisite, in some servers * MemberPress + BuddyPress Integration - Fixed Name fields when registering to a member level * MemberPress + BuddyPress Integration - Added the 'Membership' links into profile dropdown * Compatibility - Improved support for plugins that 'Require bbPress' and 'Require BuddyPress' * Documentation - Forum Settings * Documentation - Activity Tabs * Documentation - Registration Confirm Email/Password * Documentation - Theme Header (Mobile) = 1.1.8 = * Profiles - Allow Uppercase letters in Nicknames, and auto-convert them to lowercase for Usernames * Profiles - Fixed display of name fields that include unicode characters * Profiles - Fixed empty results in Profile Search form for 'Date' field type * Groups - When adding a photo, an activity post will now show in the group feed * Groups - Fixed loading of group members, when Activity Feeds and Network Search are both disabled * Groups - Fixed loading of 3rd party plugin options added to 'Manage > Details' group page * Blog - Fixed conflict with WordPress 'Categories' widget on blog archive * Tools - 'Repair Community' tool now runs in batch processes via AJAX * Tools - 'Repair Forums' tool now runs in batch processes via AJAX * Compatibility - Improved support for 'BuddyPress for LearnDash' plugin = 1.1.7 = * Profiles - Fixed issues with duplicate Name fields in some installations * Forums - Fixed media not displaying in replies, due to Lazy Load issues * Forums - Fixed formatting displaying as HTML when replying as non-admin * Forums - Fixed emoji displaying too big, for new forum replies only * Forums - Fixed GIFs not working, unless Photos was also enabled in Media settings * Groups - When using Group Types with custom role labels, using correct label now in discussions * Activity - When '(BB) Connections' widget was used on Activity page, it was not working correctly * Login - Fixed layout of login page, when 'Privacy' is enabled with Privacy page used * Messages - Fixed issues with invalid usernames while sending messages * Registration - When using Profile Type, and hiding First Name and Last Name, fixed conditional logic * Registration - When using Profile Type, and validation show errors, conditional fields remain now * Registration - Added validation telling users to use lowercase or number characters for 'Nickname' * WooCommerce - When purchasing while logged out, and creating a new account, we now send account activation email * Compatibility - Improved support for 'Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) Pro' plugin = 1.1.6 = * Performance - Lazy load images in Activity, Forums, Photos and Albums * Profiles - Added the ability to re-order First Name, Last Name, and Nickname profile fields * Activity - When a member changes their Nickname, the auto-suggest for mentions now uses the updated Nickname * Activity - When a member changes their Nickname, the 'Email Preferences' page now uses the updated Nickname * Activity - Fixed 'Link Previews' failing when pasting URLs from certain websites * Forums - Fixed Private and Hidden forum discussion access on the Forums index, for logged out users * Forums - Consistent styling of site notices in Forums tabs on member profiles * Registration - New option to require Email confirmation on the register form * Registration - New option to require Password confirmation on the register form * Registration - Fixed conditional logic to display profile fields that depend on a Profile Type * Toolbar - Display the correct name format in admin Toolbar, as used in frontend Toolbar * BuddyPanel - When using the 'Email Invites' menu in the BuddyPanel, it was missing when switching users * MemberPress - Fixed redirect issues with the MemberPress custom login page * Compatibility - Added settings at BuddyBoss > Integrations > BuddyPress Plugins, for BuddyPress add-on options = 1.1.5 = * Performance - Faster loading of Gravatar images on Members directory * Performance - Reduced number of CSS and Javascript files loaded per page * Performance - Removed Heartbeat API from all pages besides Activity, reduces requests to server * Performance - Improved PHP caching for Media, Albums and Activity * Profiles - Added 'Snapchat' as option in 'Social Networks' profile field * Profiles - Fixed profile name field syncing between WordPress admin and BuddyBoss profiles * Profiles - Fixes issue with 'Reset' filter not always working * Profiles - Fixed 'Profile Types' filter showing wrong label, and not displaying if type has no members * Activity - External links added in activity posts now open in a new tab/window * Messages - Fixed issue with message thread loading, now doing one thread fetch request at a time * Forums - Fixed issue with editing forum posts that include media attachments * Forums - Fixed Edit and Merge links for all forum roles * Groups - Display group member role in singular format, if only 1 member of that role * Media - Fixed issue with creating an album set to 'My Connections' privacy * Registration - Added validation notice if Nickname added is less than 4 characters * Compatibility - Improved support for 'GEO my WordPress' plugin * Compatibility - Improved support for Keap (Infusionsoft) API in plugins * Translations - Fixed text instances that were not available for translation * Errors - Fixed various PHP errors in certain situations * Documentation - Membership Plugins = 1.1.4 = * Profiles - Fixed issue with member profile recognizing existing Profile Type * Forums - Improved database query performance for Forums component * Forums - Removed non-functional Edit and Merge links from some forum roles * Errors - Fixed various PHP errors in certain situations = 1.1.3 = * Profiles - Allow users to self-select 'Profile Type' via new profile field * Activity - Fixed issue with commenting on activity after clicking 'Load More' multiple times * Activity - Fixed media posted in activity feed not always displaying * Activity - Fixed photos added to group feed not displaying in group photos tab * Activity - Fixed clicking 'Read more' link hiding the media attachment * Messages - Fixed members without First Name displaying in messages as 'Deleted User' * Groups - Status button said "You're an Member" instead of "You're a Member" * Compatibility - Allow 'Events Manager' and other plugins to activate properly with Platform * Migration - Fixed 'Nickname' field not displaying after migrating from BuddyPress * Errors - Fixed various PHP errors in certain situations = 1.1.2 = * Activity - Fixed media popup showing no image with Groups component enabled * Activity - Fixed word-wrapping when long sentences are posted in activity * Activity - Fixed crop ratio for wide/landscape media images * Activity - Fixed media disappearing when clicking 'Read more' in activity feed * Activity - Show admin notice when 'Heartbeat API' is disabled, for 'auto-refresh' * Media - Improved the image rotation script for photos uploaded in mobile browsers * Media - Improved experience for media migrations, and ability to re-migrate * Profile Types - When creating new type, fixed issue when selecting 'None' as WordPress role * Multisite - Fixed issue with names not displaying in sub-sites * LearnDash - Fixed conflict with 'Memberium' protected content in Lesson sidebar * LearnDash - Now using WordPress 'Date Format' for dates in LearnDash * Compatibility - Fixed default avatar conflict with 'WP User Avatar' plugin * Compatibility - Fixed registration field syncing with 'WooCommerce Memberships' plugin * Errors - Fixed various PHP errors in certain situations = 1.1.1 = * Profiles - New option to remove First and Last Name, depending on Display Name Format * Groups - Activity posted in private groups now displays in activity feed * Media - Fixed image rotation issues for photos uploaded in mobile browsers * Activity - Allow activity to load when 'Heartbeat API' is disabled, for WPEngine hosting * Cover Photos - Display validation message when cover photo was uploaded successfully * Date Format - Now using WordPress 'Date Format' for dates throughout the network = 1.1.0 = * Profiles - Fixed profile dropdown not appearing with some plugins * Toolbar - New option to show/hide Toolbar for admin users vs members * Messages - Nicer text preview when message contains only an image or gif * Media - When migrating from BuddyBoss Media plugin, fixed migration issues * Multisite - Fixed issue with Name fields duplicating in new sub-sites * Performance - Made functions less likely to timeout on shared hosting * Translations - Fixed text instances that were not available for translation * Dashboard - Moved 'BuddyBoss' menu higher up for accessibility = 1.0.9 = * Profiles - Fixed profile dropdown not working with Toolbar disabled * Profiles - New option for 'Last Name' field to be set as optional * Profiles - New option for 'gravatars' to be used as profile avatars * Private Network - Improved logic for Public URLs * Multisite - Fixed logic for new signups registering sub-sites * Search - Exclude HTML meta data from search results * Documentation - LearnDash Course Grid = 1.0.8 = * Updater - Improvements to updater code = 1.0.7 = * Messages - Fixed issues with media tooltips in messages * Translations - Fixed text instances that were not available for translation * Updater - Fixed issues with platform not pinging for updates = 1.0.6 = * Forums - Fixed issues with forum role assignment to new users * Forums - Automatically inherit forum status from group status * Profile Fields - Fixed issues with 'Gender' field validation * Activity - Automatically load newest posts, without clicking a button * Compatibility - Improved support for plugin 'Rank Math SEO' * Compatibility - Improved support for plugin 'MemberPress + BuddyPress Integration' * Compatibility - Improved support for plugins that 'Require BuddyPress' = 1.0.5 = * Forums - Discussion/topic URL slugs from bbPress auto-migrate now * Forums - Fixed issues with replying to discussions on mobile * Activity - Fixed comment issues on new activity posts * Activity - Display video embeds and link previews in different styles * Media - When migrating from BuddyBoss Media plugin, add media to activity, forums, messages * Compatibility - Fixed conflict with BadgeOS plugin * Compatibility - Fixed conflict with BuddyPress Follow plugin * Documentation - How to migrate from Boss Theme = 1.0.4 = * Multisite - Fixed various issues * Photos - Show photos count when viewing other member's profile * Compatibility - Improved support for plugins that 'Require bbPress' = 1.0.3 = * Multisite - Fixed various issues * Forums - Tagging improvements in replies * Documentation - How to migrate from Social Learner * Documentation - How to use the Resources website = 1.0.2 = * Forums - allow Forums page to be set as Homepage * Forums - added nicer tagging interface when replying * Messages - inline editor fixes * Media - fix issues with emoji not displaying * Documentation - Events Calendar Pro * Documentation - WooCommerce * Documentation - WP Job Manager = 1.0.1 = * Documentation fixes = 1.0.0 = * Initial Release - fork of BuddyPress * Forum Discussions - merged in bbPress and re-factored as a native forum component * Media Uploading - Photos, Albums, Emoji, Animated GIFs * Email Inivites - members can invite outside users to your community * Network Search - search content across the entire network * Private Network - restrict access to all of your content with a single click * Profiles - new 'Repeater Fields' options * Profiles - new 'Profile Types' manager * Profiles - new 'View As' button to toggle between members * Profiles - new profile fields for 'Gender' and 'Social Networks' * Profiles - new option to set display name as First, First & Last, or Nickname * Groups - new Group Types manager * Groups - new Group Heirarchies manager * Messages - combined all messages into single threads, like Facebook and LinkedIn * Messages - significantly enhanced messaging interface * Activity - combined all activity into single feed, like Facebook and LinkedIn * Activity - new 'Likes' option * Activity - new 'Follow' option * Activity - new option to add any custom post types into activity feed * Default Data - new tool to easily install default data * LearnDash - ability to connect one or more courses with social groups * LearnDash - ability to run group reports on course progress * Many more features and improvements!